Title: skinny boy
Class: Master of Cheekiness
Attacks: Bare Chest, Annoying Image Macro, Goon Rush, Tragic Past Tale, Awkward Silence
Physical description: 5'8", 8.5 stone, brown hair, brown eyes
Birthday: August 8, 1984
Favorite color: dark red
Shampoo used: anything that's around the house
Likes to wear: combat trousers and a t-shirt
Bath or shower: long hot showers
Underwear worn: tight boxers and boxer-briefs
Favorite bishoujo: his mistress
Favorite way to lure in the girls: using his smashing good looks and his cheeky British charm
Favorite anime: Zeta Gundam
Theme song: "Maybe I'm A Lion" by the Black Mages
Special talents: not getting eaten by sharks, can eat anything without gaining a pound
Wishlist: a girlfriend, preferably his mistress |