Eve Taener / Kumicho
Real Name: Kelli
Birthday: November 1, 1985
Physical Description: 5'2", 101 pounds, 32"-26"-36", brown hair, cobalt blue eyes,  spectacles
Shampoo Used: Tresseme Moisturizing Shampoo
Theme Song: "The World Is Not Enough" by Garbage
Image Flower: Violet
Favorite Perfume: Curious
Favorite Colors: pink, black, violet
Favorite Outfit: My straight leg khakis paired with my pink sweater with a white tank top underneath.
Favorite Toy: My plushies
Favorite Novel: "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen
Favorite Movies: "Whispers of The Heart" (Studio Ghibli) and "Howl's Moving Castle" (Studio Ghibli)
Favorite Anime: "Fruits Basket"
Favorite Manga: "Hanazakari no Kimitachi E"
Favorite Bishounen: My darling Quangappi and Matsumoto Jun
Favorite Way To Lure In The Boys: Devious traps and my trusty Bishounen Lasso(registered). -^.^-
Special Talent: getting  people to join my harem. ^^;
Wishlist: A job
Personal Quote: My line of thought is squiggly.
"Eve's World"
Bishounen Index