The Maiar
The Maiar were a part of the Ainur, the race of spirits created by Iluvatar before the world. They are not as mighty as the Valar but exist as lesser spirits, some who have adopted a tangible physical form.

The Istari, or wizards, were Maiar appointed by the Valar in the Third Age to guide the free races of Middle-earth in defeating Sauron. Before they were sent to accomplish their quest, many of their powers were stripped of them, for they were only meant to help and guide, not to defeat Sauron by themselves. They were given actual flesh, and they were confined this body unless they were slain.

Ilmarë: Chief among the Maiar; Handmaiden of Varda

Eónwë: Herald of Manwë; Greatest warrior.

Ossë: Servant of Ulmo; Master of the shores; Delights in storms; Best known among Elves and Men; Corrupted by Melkor but repented and returned to the service of Ulmo.

Uinen: Lady of the Seas; Wife of Ossë; Loves the creatures of the sea and calms the storms of Ossë; Protector of the Númenórneans.

Melian: Servant of Vána and Estë; Her voice is so beautiful that it enchants the listener;  Nightingales sing about her; Married Thingol of Doriath, an Elf; was the first and last of the Ainur to marry an Elf;  Mother of Lúthien Tinúviel.

Olórin (Gandalf): Wisest of the Maiar;  Learned pity and patience in the House of Nienna;  Walked unseen by Elves and Men;  Was chosen by Manwe to go Middle Earth as an Istari in the Third Age to help with the War of the Ring; He carried the ring, Narya which was given to him by Círdan. 

Curumo (Saruman): He was a maiar of the West that became of the Istari; Was chosen by Aulë to go Middle-earth and became the head of his order; Envied Olórin and eventually became the evil ally of Sauron.

Aiwendil (Radagast):   He was a lover of birds and beasts; He was Chosen by Yavanna to go to Middle-earth as an Istari; There he did not help with the war against Sauron but instead lived alone and befriended the beasts that he loved.

The Blue Wizards: These were the two Maiar, Alatar and Pallando, who were sent by Orome to Middle-earth as Istari; They went to the east of Middle-earth and were never seen again.

:  Tended Laurelin in the time ofthe two trees;  Didn't fear the heat or brightness of Laurelin; Spirit of fire; So bright that Elves and Men cannot look upon her; Bore the fruit of Laurelin into the sky and drove the sun.

: Hunter of Oromë;  Loves silver;  Tended the last silver flower of Telperion, which became the moon.

:  Made Ulmo's great horns in the sea.
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Melian (left) sits with Thingol.
Melian meets Thingol.
Olórin (Gandalf the White)
Curumo, or Saruman the White.