On the banks of Rivington Reservoir, nestled amonst the trees, looms a large building which seems to suddenly "jump out" at you despite its size. This building is one of Lever's greatest follies, or greatest achievements, depending upon how one thinks of it. Certainly there was no reason for Lever to build a scale model of how Liverpool Castle would have looked in the 1700's in a dilapidated, ruinous state, beyond his own historical interests and a belief that the site on which it was based was an almost exact match to that of the original.
Lever's work on the replica of the ruins was never quite completed, sadly, as it was begun in 1912, and had not been quite completed by the time of his death in 1925. This added to its ruinous appearance, and the  years of vandalism and weather it has since suffered have altered its appearance still further. It is still, however, a marvellous artefact for the historical researcher, with no real traces of the original Liverpool Catle now remaining, this allows one to get a truly real idea of what the original Castle must have been like..
Now for some pictures. For further info on any of them, just click on the small pictures to be taken to a larger version!
The Castle circa 1442
Rivington Castle from the Banks of the Reservoir
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