My site about places I've been, things that I've seen, and what they all mean
Lever Park, Rivington.
The Williamson Tunnels, Liverpool
Castles of Wales
Liverpool - Manchester Railway
Pillboxes(?), Liverpool
Links to related websites

Welcome to my website.

Here you will find various pictures of explorations that me and others have taken over the last few years. I've always been fascinated by local history, especially the stranger remenants of the bygone ages, and wanted to publicise those which I feel need bringing to the publics attention as they are in danger of being lost. Some, such as the Liverpool-Manchester railways tunnels, are of huge importance historically, being part of the first major passenger/freight railway route - others, like the pillboxes(?) seem to be critically endangered with development around gathering ever nearer... And so in this respect I hope to give a lasting record of what may soon be lost.
Please click on the buttons above to browse the site - i hope you find it entertaining. If you have any questions about anything, then you can email me on the button below.

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