The Bourtreehillians: Hidden Structures #4
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Early archaeological reports indicate that there was a locally known medieval chapel operating in or around Bourtreehill. In 1983, a gravestone bearing an inscription was discovered in the woodland. Only one example of the Irish Yew grows in the gardens of the estate but this  tree often indicates burial sites in Ayrshire and so should be noted.

The western wall, complete with entranceway is remarkable in its completion and condition. Short and robust, this dominating wall originally protected the estate from the dusty (or muddy) trackway on the exterior. The track gave way, for a short period in the 18th century,to a wagonway which ran horse drawn carts on ruts or rails.

Deep within the woodland are the remains of successful building and demolition projects over the centuries. Mounds and tumuli seem to swell up beneath the trees but in fact many of the middens are older than the substantial trees which grow on (in) them.
Northern Avenue carriageway
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