Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Youth Activities
Melissa and I volunteer with the Middle School and High School Youth activities at Holy Trinity Lutheran. You will not find a better group of kids anywhere!
Our Middle School group at Camp Arnold for a Retreat!
Making real apple cider with an apple press that a member of our church owns.
Crank it down to squeeze out the juice!
Apple Scooping Duty
Of course I keep them serious at all times.....
Lake Day with the High School group. That water was COLD!
Imagine if you will being locked in a church all night with 30 sugared-up middle school kids whose only goal is to remain hyper all night long........
Yes, it would drive you to do the Macarena too....
All dressed up at the Middle School Halloween Party (I'm the Disco King on the end)
None of the kids thought we had worn costumes.
Despite being encumbered by fangs and allergies to sunlight, Dracula challenged the Disco King to a serious game of Foozball..
Our Favorite Middle School kids all lined up at the beach on Ediz Hook! What a bunch!