Science at The Bronx Guild
The purpose of this class is to help young people do the work of the environmental scientist.  Whether you are a student, teacher or scientist I hope that this guide will share current technologies with you and help you form connections with people in NYC that share your ideas and interests. 

As a Teacher My goals include:

1. Facilitating communication between individuals who are interested in designing more sustainable urban practices. 
2. Bringing a common language to people who wish to communicate what experiments have been conducted and what conclusions have been formed.
3. Offering starting points for further scientific research on 4 specific urban issues (Food production and waste, Water waste, and Living Machines (? Ocean Arks, International).

I have focused on New York City and attempted to be very specific in terms of the people and resources that are available locally.  I have tried however, whenever possible, to include information that is useful to people outside the New York City area.
MaryAnn and Nilda Cut PVC for Hydroponic Units
Student Work:
Jennifer K.'s "How to use a Pocket PC"
Lovett's "Hydroponic Presentation"
Jennifer K.'s "Making Liquid Worm Compost"
Useful Links:
Center for Published Student Research
Hydroponic Questions and Answers
Living Machines
My Info:
Name: Charles Simic