In The Garden.....

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A Gardener's Journal

MAY - This is a large

back garden

A wall of roses has been established to break up the view and add areas of interest.

Bird houses with "welcome" signs.


A patio to take a rest.


Pom pom topiary, poppies yet to bloom and tulips in bloom.


Roses and a wall of roses yet to bloom.


Ground covering Violets.


Golden Euonymous bush and tulips. Chives, a large rose bush and grape hyacinths at ground level.


Grape hyacinths, rose bush, Lily of the Valley.


Green Euonymous climbing the fence. A bird bath.


Grape hyacinths, violets and daffodils. Tulips and chives.


In The Garden.....will be updated and expanded frequently. Please visit often. Last updated on May 13, 2002. I hope you enjoyed your visit.
