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Poems 2
Go for it

Go for it. Jump in. You can do it
The attitude of this world says.
Everything I have heard since these feelings grew strong echo the same.

But do I? The odds are against me.
99% to 1. The deck is stacked.
I'm destined to lose, yet I win, have won.

Will I win again? This is my trait, my life.
Do the unthinkable, go against the odds.
Why do I still try? Cause I win.

One day I won't. Is that day today?
Now, in this moment? Have I crossed that Line?
The underdog, all odds said I'd fail, but will I ever?
The line is close, but I keep flirting with it.

99 to 1. Many Vs. one. Strong Vs. weak.
Favorite Vs. underdog. Yet I always win,
even though I should lose. Will I lose now?

June 27, 2002