God wants us to be with Him. Otherwise, He’d have never sent His Son for us. Romans states that the wages of sin is Death, and II Corinthians says worldly sorrow also leads to death. But Christ saved us. The
Psalmist puts it this way, in
Psalm 118, the he writes, ”He (the Lord) has become my salvation.” Jesus says the same in Luke 19. You also see it in Paul’s writings to Timothy, Titus, and the Hebrews. Now, what happens to you when you receive His salvation? Go back to Romans to find the answer. The gift of God is eternal life. I John say’s life is in His son. Jesus say’s in this way in John 14, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Light. No one comes to the Father except through me.” He died for you. Do you know Him? If you need to, drop everything, tell your buddies you’ll be right back, and pray this:

Abba, Father, I know I have sinned. I have fallen short of Your glory. I am not worthy of Your grace. But You, in Your unconditional love, give it to me anyway. Lord, I repent of all the sin I have committed, and I hand my life over to You. I believe You came to earth, died on a cross, and rose again to save me. I give all of me to you. I am ready to go Your will. I love you, Lord. Thank You for saving me. Amen.

If you just prayed this prayer, and really meant it, e-mail me at
thechariot212@yahoo.com, subject commitment, and I will get with you and be praying for you. Remember that God loves you, and I do too. God Bless.