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The Newer Englands Military Calculator for Nation States players.

Version 1.0 - the origional, must have Microsoft excel or a program that will run it!

Version 2.0 - New and improved!  Just fill in the red areas as needed and presto, everything else is done for you using the info that I have preset.  If you wish, go through and change any numbers or %s in the gray areas to fit your military and national policy better.  You still need Microsoft excel or compatible.

Version 2.1 - Canceled to work on V 3.0

Version 3.0 - Make suggestions to make this one better!  It will likely be the last version.

I would like to thank the nation of Volga for his contributions to this project.

Here is a way of doing it on paper and a worksheet example.
Using a nation with a population of 100 million for the numbers below:

1) Decide the % of your population that is in the military, we will use a very common 4%
2) Decide how much of your military is in each branch, depending on your particular beliefs and desires.  We will use 55% in the Army, 25% in the Navy, and 20 % into the Air Force.
3) For each branch, take out 39% off the top for support as follows: 6.5% for high command and control,
19% for general support (cooks, medics, motor T, etc.) 7.5% for other (R&D, testing, training, etc.)
and 6% for additional admin and support.  This leaves 61% for Field Personnel.
> Field Personnel are all forces on the "front lines."
4) Under Army you need to fill the following catigories: Infantry, Special Forces (shock troops, snipers, recon, etc.), Armor (tanks), Artillery, AAA or AD (air defence), Army Pilots and aircraft support personnel.
5) For the Navy: Shipman (actual personnel on naval ships) - personnel in this catigory only takes up about
80% of the crew on a ship because the rest are in the initial 39% taken out in step #3,
also this has to account for cargo/supply ships, amphibious ships, patrol craft, as well as the combat
vessels.  Navy Pilots and aircraft support personnel must also be accounted for.
6) Air Force: all you need is Pilots, and aircraft support.

NOTE: Not all types of military personnel listed are needed, especially for smaller nations!

+  For all Air Forces in all branches, the number of air craft support personnel should be at least 4 times more than the actual number of aircraft, not pilots but aircraft, or about 3 times more than the number of pilots.
+  This is just a good basic blue print for creating a military, in my opinion.  The % of support personnel should be lowered some for a small military, and raised significantly for a very large military.
+ If you can think of something I missed, please let me know.

Actual Personnel Totals using the above numbers and calculations:
  Total military = 4,000,000
  Army = 2,200,000 - 39% (for #3 above) = 1,342,000
       Infantry = 47% or 630,740
       Special Forces (all) = 8% or 11,360
       Armor = 22% or 295,240
       Artillery = 6% or 80,520
       AAA/AD = 7% or 93,940
       Pilots = 3% or 40,260
       Aircraft Support = 7% or 93,940
  Navy = 1,000,000 - 39% = 610,000
       Shipman = 81% or 494,100
       Pilots = 4.5% or 27,450
       Aircraft Support = 14.5% or 88,450
  Air Force = 800,000 - 39% = 488,000
       Pilots = 30% or 146,400 (plenty of aircraft)
       Aircraft Support = 70% or 341,600

** These #s are actual personnel, not the numbers of each piece of equipment.  295,240 personnel in Armor does not mean 295,240 tanks.  More like 33,742 tanks total for all types. (ave of 3.5 crew members per tank)  This is after allowing at least 60% for maintenance, recovery vehicles and amphibious craft, which would be different if, say, you did not want or need amphibious landing vehicles, or were not worried about recovering damaged or broke down tanks. 

After all this, decide the amount of each kind of tank, AAA(AD), artillery, aircraft, etc. by using the number of personnel for each catigory to man the vehicles.

(I don't know how well it will cut and paste, but you can try):
> National population:
> _____% of population in military =

Army - _____% of military =               x 0.61 =               field personnel
> Infantry = 
  - Divisions(4bgds/6000men):                              - Bragades(6comp/1500men):
  - Companies(6plts+10):                                      - Platoons(40men):
> Artillery =               (-15% for others) =
> Special Forces =               (-10% for others) =
  - shock troops:                              - snipers:                              - recon:
  - SEALs:                                       - Marines:                            - Other:
> Armor =
> AAA =
> Air Craft =
> Air Craft Support =

Navy - _____% of military =     x 0.61 =   field personnel
> Shipman =               (-50% for other items: amphibious craft, transports, etc.) = 
> Air Craft =               (-35% for others: refuel, surveillance, etc.) = 
> Air Craft Support =

Air Force - _____% of military =               x 0.61 =               field personnel
> Air Craft =               (-40% for others: refuel, surveillance, etc.) = 
> Air Craft Support =

> All Branches: Their totals minus 6.5% for high command and control, 19% for general support (cooks,
    medics, motor T, etc.), 6% for field command and control, 7.5% additional (R&D, testing, training, etc.)
    = 61% for field personnel
> field personnel breakdown:   Army: Infantry = 35%, Artillery = 5%, Special Forces = 8%, Armor = 34%,
                                                       Air Craft = 4.5%, Air Craft Support = 13.5%
                                             Navy: Shipman = 81%, Air Craft = 4.75%, Air Craft Support = 14.25%
                                             Air Force = Air Craft = 25%, Air Craft Support = 75%
> Definitions: Field Personnel = Those troops actually on the front line or performing actual combat duties
   Infantry = basic ground troops
   Artillery = All artillery units; short, medium or long ranges, special, etc.
   Special Forces = all of them, shock troops, recon, snipers, etc.  Specially trained personnel.
   Armor = Tanks; crewman, maintenance, recovery, including amphibious assault craft if wanted
   AAA = Anti Aircraft Artillery, any troops shooting at aircraft
   Air Craft = actual pilots only
   Air Craft Support = maintenance, weapons loaders, etc.  Should be around 3-4 times the number of pilots.
   Shipman = crews of naval ships minus support (cooks, medics, etc.) which equals 80% of a ships
        required crew.
