Introducing the Shore Guard Series!
See a diagram of the AD-104 Shore Guard here!
The Shore Guards are a series of armored vehicles spacificaly designed to repel an enemy amphibious assault! 

The AD-104, linked to above, is the primary work horse for this group of vehicles.  The 104s standard package is what you see in the diagrame:  The 3, 20mm Auto Cannons use armor piercing rounds and is designed to attack incomming amphibious landing craft.  Its maximum speed on land is 42mph, and in the water it is 13mph with the assistance of the jets.  Its crew includes a driver and 3 gunners.  The breather gives this vehicle the eliment of surprise by making the 104 able to be hooked underwater and pop up as the landing craft approach to attack.  The cannon turrets are set down and flush with the top of the vehicle making the profile low and hard to see and hit.  The 104 has 2in. thick Choham Armour making it an extreemly tough vehicle. 
    COST: 3.4 million
OPTIONS for the 104:
1) Incorporation of a 1in. thick layer of reactive armour for extra protection - 750,000
2) Mounts can be placed on top of any of the cannon turrets and/or over the driver for any machine gun for use against any troops that make it to the shore - 3,500 each mount with weapon of choice.  Ammo box, which is mounted behind the weapon, will hold from 250 to 400 rounds depending on the size of the ammo
3) Tow hitch, to grab another Shore Guard vehicle that has been disabled and tow it to shore - 1,250
4) 1in. thick armour plates on the sides to protect the tracks and wheels - 75,000 each side
5) 2 barrel grenade launchers holding 4 grenades each, for use with smoke or explossive grenades, can be placed on either side of the turrets for a total of 6 launchers / 12 barrels / 48 grenades - 1,425 each
6) Advainced HED targeting systems can be instailed into any of the turrets for longer range and increased accuracy - 13,500 each
7) Night vission or infrared systems for the driver - 12,750
8) GPS system with emergancy becon - 1000

The AD-202 is a command and control vehicle able to link up with up to 40 other Shore Guard units and coordinate them.  It is slightly larger than the AD-104, being 21'2" long and 13'5" wide.  Its crew is 5: driver, 2 gunners, commander, and communications.  The rear cannon is taken out and the in its place is a slightly elevated lookout point for the commander. All other stats remain the same along with all other options.
COST - 3.55 million

The AD-301 is a support vehicle.  Its design is the same as the 202 above except the Commanders lookout is replaced with a large dock that can hold any one of the following support weapons:
1) launcher for 12 Stingers or similarly sized surface to air or surface to surface missiles - 3.95 million or
2) Primary weapon turret using 80mm rounds - 3.68 million

Additional options for the 301
1) Two torpedos, such as the MK-46 or 50, mounted on each side of the vehicle, with the launch controls being manned by the driver - 2,500 per mount

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