Cranbourne Juniors Football Club


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 Good Sports











Cranbourne Junior Football Club


Gets into Good Sports


 19 May 2005



 Sports clubs such as ours play a significant role in the community and therefore have a    

 responsibility to our members and their families. In recognition of this, the Cranbourne   

 Junior Football Club has elected to participate in the Good Sports program.


 The program is run in Victoria by the Australian Drug Foundation in conjunction with Vic    

 Health, the Traffic Accident Commission (TAC) and the Alcohol Education Rehabilitation  

 Foundation. The program has been designed to assist clubs with the responsible 

 management of alcohol and is the only nationwide program of its kind.


 As a community based club we believe involvement in this program is a way for our club to 

 promote a healthy and welcoming club culture whilst working to consistently meet our  

 duty-of-care obligations in regards to alcohol consumption.


 To become Good Sports Level One accredited we will address a number of criteria including 

 having Responsible Service Alcohol trained bar staff.


 For more information about Good Sports contact Sharon Johnson.