No Greed And Covetousness!
The true meaning of the tenth commandment, in the light of the N.T. - Please enter the next pages, to learn more about this very important commandment! - Thank you, for visiting!
thing that is thy neighbour's." - Exodus 20:17 - * To covet, to desire, to want to have, to wish for with eagerness; to desire possession of; have or indulge inordinate desire; to long for inordinately or unlawfully; to hanker after (something forbidden); to envy or wish to possess (so- mething belonging to another) inordinately or without right; to want intensely. (Sources: Webster's and WordSmyth). Please be open minded to receive now the truth about the way of death, and the way of life, of life everlasting! - Do we have to keep the ten commandments? - Just see yourself, here:For great debates and hot discussions on this controversial topic visit Our Forums. Thanks! |