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Please read this important message first, before proceeding further! - It contains very im- portant information, and instruction about how to read this website properly.
First of all, let me please ask you a question, that I would like you to answer, but only to your own self! - I need not to know! (No cheating please!)
- How Are You Dealing With Truth? -
"Are you thankful to hear the truth, even if it might be contrary and against your own per- sonal beliefs?" - Or: "Are you easily offended?" - Many (most?) people are offended and don't like it to get straightened out. It's the human nature that is in the way.
Surprisingly, especially religious people are usually very proud about their own beliefs, and their whole ego is involved. True for them is only what they 'like' to be true, and what they already believe. Often their beliefs are only based upon information they once swallowed up, unproved and unquestioned.
Then they are often too proud to acknowledge their erring, and to admit this ... neither before themselves, nor before others. one thing that they overlook is, that pride is evil, is sin (Pro. 8:13). Elohiym hates it. It's a sure sign that they do not have the fear of Yahveh. They should rather be humble and meek instead, in a brokenhearted and repentant state, always open and thankful for reproof, and instruction in righteousness.
They are not! - They usually hate you, if you try to reproof them, and they strike back, with false accusations, slander, and provocations. They have chosen the way of Cain.
"How about you?" - Which way have you chosen? - Consider this diligently, especially in regard to eternal life. Something so far reaching, and so significant, is truly not the right matter to be a dogmatist, and to fake to have right, and to play right had empire.
My dear friend, this website contains information that the flesh does not like to hear. But who cares about the flesh, right? - The flesh will perish, but our spirit got to spend eternity somewhere. There are only two places where our spirit will spend eternity ... 1.) The kingdom of Elohiym, also called heaven, and 2.) the lake of fire, commonly known as hell.
So, you can see yourself, that this matter is not a light thing, and not the right place to argue, or to be a dogmatist! - "Where will you spend eternity?" - I hope you are not one of those that are "saved deceived." - Most people do not know, who is really "saved," and who is not saved. Please make sure, you really prove all this, truly, and very diligently!
Rev. 12:9: - "The whole world." - "All." - This includes YOU and Me! - I too, have been de- ceived once, and this real bad. I have actually been deceived for many years, and believed in the "trinity," and in false churches, myself! - So I know, what I'm talking about. I have been caught up in false christian churches of protestant/pentecostl/charismatic background, and so-called "nondenominational" denominations. I have been terribly deceived, and I admit this. No big deal.
I'm glad, that Yeshua did send the brothers in my way, and that they did all the labor in the word, trying to straighten me out. They were teaching me the truth, and pointed out to me the strait and narrow path, the highway of holiness (Isa. 35:8).
However, at times I have been offended too, I admit it. One verse did help me a lot, to overcome this error (Ps. 119:165). "Nothing" means nothing! - The Bible means what it says! - To be offended is a sign of pride, and that we do not have enough love!
The righteous love reproof and instruction, but the unrighteous, the self-righteous, and fools, they hate and despise reproofs of instruction, which are the ways of life! - See: (Pro. 6:23; Pro. 1:7; Pro. 10:17; Pro. 12:1; Pro. 15:5; Pro. 15:32; Pro. 13:18).
You too have this choice laid before you. If you are interested to learn more about this theme, then I can share with you two eye-opening church studies, about this topic: Reproof And Instruction, and: Being Offended.
There is no gain in being offended, and it doesn't profit anyone. Usually it's pride. To counter this, it's helpful to humble yourself in prayer, before Elohiym. This is the best way to counter pride - II. Chr. 7:14, Jms. 4:6; I. Pet. 5:5.
It's up to you, how you will decide. I'm just trying to help you, and to do my job! - That's all. See also: Important Questions! - Shalom ale'chem, Peace be with you!
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