Graces . . . . . . . Song Book . . . . . . . Graces
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Addam's Family Grace
Back of the Bread
Morning is Here
Penny's Grace
Praise Ye the Lord
Rock and Roll Grace
Superman Grace
Thanks for Food
Wendy's Grace
Winnie the Pooh Grace!

Addam's Family Grace
We thank the Lord for giving
The food we need for living
God Bless us while we eat it
Because we really need it
Amen (snap-snap)
Amen (snap-snap)
Amen, Amen
Amen (snap-snap)

Back of the Bread
Back of the bread is the flour
And back of the flour is the mill
And back of the mill is the wind and the rain
And the father's will

Thank you Lord, on this day
For thy many great blessings
Thank you Lord, on this day
For thy many great friendships
Glory to God, may He hear our prayer
Guide us on forever
Thank you Lord, on this day
For thy blessings and friendships

Morning is Here
Morning is here, the board is spread,
Thanks be to God, who gives us bread.

Penny's Grace
Food for our hunger
Water for our thirst
Sleep for our weariness
But first thing's first
Thanks be to Heaven
Praise be to God
That we go satisfied
Sheltered and shod

Praise Ye the Lord
Allelu, allelu, allelu, alleluia
Praise Ye the Lord!
Allelu, allelu, allelu, alleluia
Praise Ye the Lord!
Praise Ye the Lord!
Praise Ye the Lord!
Praise Ye the Lord!
Praise Ye the Lord!

Rock and Roll Grace
God is great, God is good
And we thank him for our food
We're gonna thank Him in the morning
Noon and night
We're gonna thank our God
Cuz He's outta sight
Amen (chchchchchchchchch)
Amen (chchchchchchchchch)

Superman Grace
Thank you Lord, for giving us food!
Thank you Lord, for giving us food!
For our daily bread, when we need to be fed!
Thank you Lord, for giving us food!

Thanks for Food
**Thanks for food and those who made it thanks for food!
And those who made it, those who made it, thanks for food!
And those who made it, HEY!

Tall and short and in between, and tall and short
And in between and in between and tall and short
and in between!**

Thick and thin and in between, and thick and thin
And in between and in between and thick and thin
And in between!**

Windy's Grace
Thanks be to God, the Father Almighty
Thanks be to God, who gives us this bread
Thanks be to God, the Spirit Eternal
Thanks be to God forever.

Winnie the Pooh Grace!
Winnie the Pooh Grace!
Winnie the Pooh Grace!
Thanks to Thee above
Winnie the Pooh Grace!
Winnie the Pooh Grace!
Thanks for food and love!

A | B | C | D-E-F | G-H | I-J-K | L
M-N | OPQR | S | T | U-Z | Graces

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