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Imwatching.JPG: This is one of my favorite pics...Its got me looking off into the distance, however my third eye is looking right at j00...Its kinda freaky but thats why i like it...
Potrait.JPG: This is basicly a combonation of some of my other pics...its put together quite well...nothin much else to say...
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BrSuckUFO.jpg: This is my favorite X-COM:Apocalypse Pic I've made...and i think its worth putting in the Picture Catagory...
Some Age of Mythology Shots
The Monkey Epic!!: Episode I...This is my AoMToon series called The Monkey Epic!!, an AoMToon is a comic-like format that uses a game's graphics as the images...for this "AoM" stands for the game, which is Age of Mythology...
The Monkey Epic!! Episode II: this is Episode II of The Monkey Epic!!
The Monkey Epic!! Episode III:  This is Episode III of The Monkey Epic!!
The Monkey Epic!! Episode IV: This is Episode IV of The Monkey Epic!!