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Here I hope to post various thing relating to Mountain Dew, the race series, or just this website. Kinda like a What's New area.

Tuesday, January 21, 2003
Once again, I took way to long to get changes made to the site. I believe the whole site has been revamped, please let me know of any missing links or pages. Several races into the year, I can offer some insight into the season. Most of our crew is returning from last year. Ross, Matt, Andrew, Lisa, Amy, Brittany, Liz, Cara all came back, and they welcomed a few new members to the crew as well.

Monday, October 28, 2002
Sorry it took me so long to get the schedule up this year. I have a copy up now, you can see it here. I know there is at least one change already, I should correct in within a week. A few notes - GoodStuff is no longer producing the series. With any luck, a bunch of the old crew will be rehired by the new company. Also, the challenge will be sharing a booth with NESAC/Snocountry at the Boston Ski Show. Not sure who will be working, but stop in and say hi, tell em you read about it here. I have already been skiing this year!!!! I was at Killington on Saturday. Despite the rain, I had a blast. If they can have that much snow before Halloween, I can't wait to see what the winter will bring. Lets pray for snow people.

Monday, December 17, 2001
A lot has happened since my last update. I went to the Boston Ski show also, and that was fun. More recently, it hasnt looked to bright for the season. Okemo, Gore, and Mount Snow have canceled outright, and Hunter canceled the race portion so prizes were just given away. Okemo has been rescheduled for Mar 24th. I do not have firm dates for Gore, Hunter and Mt. Snow, but it sounds like Gore and Hunter will be held the same weekend as Ski Windham. It will probally be either a Fri, Sat, Sun or Sat, Sun, Mon. More info on that as it becomes available. It does look like Bolton Valley will be held as scheduled, so hope to see you all there.

Saturday, November 10, 2001
I just got back from the Hartford ski show, where I had a long chat with some of the crew members. It looks like we are in for another good season. The major sponsors from last year are still on board, as well as several new sponsors. The schedule is finalized, assuming no races are canceled due to lack of snow, or other acts of nature beyond our control. I also have added the new Colorado schedule. Most of the crew is new this season, but they should be more than able to continue the fine tradition of the Mountain Dew Vertical Challenge. On a totally different topic altogether, I will no longer be using as a domain name. You will still be able to access this site through that URL for a period of time, but please change any bookmarks or links over to so you will be able to access the site. I do plan on getting a new domain name sometime in the near future, but must take the name up with PepsiCo before I register it. : )

Friday, October 19, 2001
A major update has been made to the schedule. The Finals have been moved back until April 6th. Also, another date has been added. As I have said before, nothing on the schedule is set in stone until the race actually gets underway. Dates can and often do change up until the start of the ski season, so check back here often, and if in doubt, call the ski area to confirm. (At least wait until they have snow before you call.)

Friday, September 14, 2001
So kick me. I havent updated in way to long. Several things to tell ya. First off, the new schedule both for the East, and for CO, has been posted at their respective pages. Second, the finals in the east was a blast as always. It was a non stop party from Fri nite at check in, til Sun at check out. I should know, I was there from Weds, til Sun afternoon. Despite funky weather, the race went off fairly well. For anyone who woke up early, and went to the Mill on Sunday, the crew was autographing posters. (Quite a rare commodity if I say so myself.) I also had the good fortune to be at the CO finals, and can I say Woah. Much different than the finals we have in the East. They are doing well for a second year circuit, but nothing compared to ours. I also was lucky enough to race in it, and who says the skiers from the west are better than from the east?? My time blew away all those in my group, and also the group on either side of me. (Fortunately I was reigstered as a sponsor, so I saved all of them from the humiliation. ; ) ) Also, the new Mountain Dew Code Red is flourishing. If you were lucky enough to be a registered racer at the finals in the East, Frank pulled a few strings and got everyone their own bottle of Code Red months before it hit the stores. One last thing, I plan on rehauling the site before the 11th season starts, so I apologize for any borken or missing links. Thanks, pray for snow, and see you on the slopes ok Killington at Halloween!!!! = Þ

Monday, January 29, 2001
It's been a while, but what else is new. We are gonna work backwards here as I remember stuff. I just returned from PA. It was an interesting trip. Decent turnout with great weather. I had a blast. Hope to see some of the people from those races at the finals. It's worth the drive people. Ascutney was great, my apologies to the Boy Scouts. The same goes for Pats Peak, Ragged, Butternut, Ski Ward, and Nashoba Valley. A side note, for all of you who are die hards and show up early for the shirts, they have been short sleeves this year, with the excpetion of the race at Ragged. There we did have long sleeve shirts. So I believe that the races towards the end of the season will be long sleeved shirts. Also, even the few short sleeved shirts that have been given out have variations in the design. So the shirts this year are even more limited than in past years. There is still shirts up to bib #100, so don't worry. A few things related to scheduling. There was a typo in the schedule I had, and it has been changed. Waterville Valley is on Feb 28th, not Mar 10th like i had thought earlier. Also, I have heard rumors of a race up in Canada. If I hear anything else, I will post it.

Sunday, December 10, 2000
Returned from Okemo last night, I had a blast, and I hope all you did too. A quick recap, we had 313 people register, not bad for the first race. A few new sponsors, OVO helemts, Irving, Ken Jones Ski mart, and Gillette to name a few. Congrats go to out all the crew for doing a great job since most of em were rookies. Lisa, Kelly, Abby, Jacqui (sp?), Darrin, Matt, and Cory were brand spanking new rookies, Nate and Pete have done a few, and Andrew and Erik have done a bunch. Then of course Emo. He is still kicking around thank goodness. Once again, congrats to the entire crew, esp the lovely Dewettes. = Þ Best of luck in NY, and will see you all again in MA. Some related info, Quaker Oats agreed to PepsiCo's offer to buy the company after Coke's board refused to offer more. Have a Happy Holidays everyone.

Sunday, November 26, 2000
Happy Belated Thanksgiving everyone!! Just a few quick notes. Had a great time at the ski show. Talked to a bunch of people, and the race series should be a lot of fun this year. BDE is no longer involved, but Goodstuff-USA should more than compensate with lots of new energetic people. A few new sponsors, but no major changes as of yet that i am aware of. I will be at Okemo, so hope to see you all there. I was also up at Sunday River over break, and had alot of fun. Demoed a bunch of skiis, and really like what Rossignol had to offer. So everyone should take advantage of Rossignols demos at the races this year.

Sunday, November 12, 2000
Alrighty. It looks like there will also be a series in Utah this year. So its now Eastern, Colorado, and Utah. I will post that schedule sometime soon, as well as the additions/changes to the CO schedule. For anyone near Boston, Mountain Dew as usual will be at the Boston Snow Sports Expo. Stop in an visit the Crew why don't ya??
Related note, I have already been skiing this year. It wasn't too bad, but if is an indication of how the year will go, i'm very happy.
Another realted note, Pepsi has been making major acquisitions in the market. They recently bought 90% of the South Beach Bev. Co., more commonly known as SoBe, as well as releasing a new soft drink to compete with Sprite. It supposively has a lemon/lime flavor. PepsiCo also is in talks to purchase at least part of Quaker Oats which includes amoungst other products, Gatorade.

Wednesday, September 13, 2000
More fun stuff to tell. The new schedule has been released. Check it out here. Or go here for the Colorado schedule. There have also been a few new webistes and promotions by Pepsi. One, is the Pepsi Stuff/Dew Stuff promotion. By looking under caps, you get codes that can be redeemed for points. For so many points you can get certain merchandise. Only some of it is Pepsi/Dew branded merchandise, but there is some cool stuff. You can also use your points in auctions. Check that promo out at either or .
The other new thing is that Pepsi finaly put a web site at The graphics are pretty cool, but the content is lacking right now. Thats life. Everybody pray for snow!! I'm vapor!!

Monday, August 07, 2000
Sorry for the length between updates, but not much to say. I have been talking to my contacts and have some good news, and some bad news. Pete and his fiancee Fran got married a month or so ago, congrats guys!! Unfortunately, they have moved out of VT, and from what I hear, that's then end of BDE. : ( But Goodstuff should be taking over everything that BDE used to do, and i wish them the best of luck. Emo has joined their team, so not all is lost.
Summer vacation is almost over, and with it another Pepsi promotion. This summer they offered you the chance to make your own CD if you collected so many points from twelve packs and two liters. Not bad, but i miss the Pepsi Stuff promotions..

Friday, April 07, 2000
Got some great news!! No longer must you use the geocities url. We now have a nice shorter one. Courtesy of, we can now be reached at !!! So you can add change all your bookmarks. Please tell all your friends, and spread the good word. We are expanding upon only covering the race series into a larger spectrum of Mountain Dew.

Sunday, March 26, 2000
And another season is over. This is the season wrap up, so its gonna be a long one, please bear with me. I just got back from the finals, and did they ever rock!! I think these were defiantely one of the better finals. We had a huge fireworks display that most people watched, gave out a whole tractor trailer load of prizes, and a truck full of sodas and juices. Everyone there had a great time. Frank even got the state police involved in passing stuff out. I have already heard rumors of some plans for next years finals, as they started working on those as soon as these finished. For those of you who weren't there, Frank promised some huge plans for next year which is the 10th anniversary season. So expect many surprises. One thing that Frank did mention was "East meets West." Take it as you may, but there is a Western Series in Colorado, and the Eastern Series out here in New England.... More on that as i hear it.
Congrats go out to the couple who got engaged at the finals. What a great place to propose amoungst the ones you love. Frank was very happy to hear of this, and gave them a small gift for their honeymoon. Only a week trip to Jackson Hole all expenses paid. Not to shabby for popping the question in front of your 5,000 closest friends.
I must give a huge harumph to all of the guys and gals on both Black Diamond Events and Goodstuff-USA. Once again they put together a spectacular race, both this past weekend, as well as every regular season race. I'm going to try to name as many as I can, but i know i will leave some out. Sorry for those i leave out or misspell. Here goes: BDE- Pete, Bob, Emo, Kurt, Andrew, Becky, Susie, Stephanie, Julie, Joannea. Goodstuff - Mike, Mark, Tim, Sara, Chad, Nina, Ray, Anke, Linda, Nancy, Marsha, Erik, Nate, Kyle, Casey, the guys from Jeersey, Aaron, Ethan and the others I can't remember now. Huge props to Frank Tansey of PepsiCo, and all the other great sponsors . Please support them as they keep the race alive.

Wednesday, March 08, 2000
It's crunch time ladies and gentlemen. Only four more races left in the regular season. This means only four more chances to qualify for the finals at Loon on the 25th of March. And from what i hear, it once again will be a great finals. Tons of prizes again. This year, as in past, the giveaways start Friday evening during pre-registration, and will run until they run out of prizes, or Sunday morning, whatever comes first. If you haven't made your reservations, what are you waiting for? Supposively the Mill is all booked. Even though they were holding blocks of rooms until each race, the demand was so great, they had to let them go early. If you still call the 1 800 number in the information packet, special deals have been put together with other lodging in the town. But call as soon as you can to ensure yourself a room for the weekend. They is supposed to be another tractor trailer load full of prizes again this year, so everyone should walk away with lots of great stuff. I hope to have more info before the actual race, if not, i will see you all there.

Saturday, February 19, 2000
It's been a while, I know. But i finally get a chance to rest between school and the Vertical Challenge. I added info on how to win a trip to Jackson Hole here. Check it out!!! Some great new sponsors, such as Fruit Works have jumped on the scene recently. Make-A-Wish of NH has some great shirts you can win in their raffle at the NH events. I strongly recommend checking them out. The prizes given out during the raffle by bib number keep getting better. Today at Ragged, I saw a Neon Josta Sign!! Haven't seen any of those for a while!!! They still have a satellite dish at every race, as well as both a pair of skis and a snowboard!! Motorola has donated a pair of Talkabout Radios to be given away daily, and they still have all the awesome shirts and hats.

Tuesday, December 28, 1999
This is being posted between races. I just got back from the race at Bolton Valley, and will be leaving early tommorow morning to go to the race at Powder Ridge. The races look like they will be great this year. Some great new prizes like Sony Satellite dishes, and of course skis and snowboards. Some important notes, the date for Okemo is March 19th, the earlier date i had posted is incorrect. Alo, the race at Smuggler's Notch has been cancelled. It seems that they decided to switch soda brands. I am looking into a possible discrepency as to the date of the race at Whaleback. Most schedules have it on the 28th, one i have seen has it on the 29th. I will find out tommorow. The results from the past weeks races will be listed every Thursday in the Boston Globe Sports section, so everyone can brag about it to their friends. Hope everyone is having fun, and make sure to tell the Dew Crew members thanks for all they do.

Wednesday, December 15, 1999
The race at Okemo was cancelled. It has been rescheduled for Feb. 13th. Sorry for the inconvience, but i didn't hear about it until a couple of days before hand. This weekend the Crew is in New York. Check 'em out!! As soon as finals are over, i'll be seeing all of you on the slopes. Happy Holidays!!!

Thursday, November 11, 1999
Ok. There have been changes made to the schedule. Please check it out and note the changes. Some races have been dropped, and others added since i first posted the schedule.

Sunday, November 07, 1999
Ok. I lied. I got it up tonight. Check out the Colorado schedule here. If you are out that way, and are gonna attend, please give me a hollar.

Sunday, November 07, 1999
Guess what. After many rumors and speculation over the last few years, the Get Vertical Challenge has spread!!! No longer is this series limited to New England. There is now also a series being put on in Colorado. I will post that schedule very quickly and hopefully get you guys some info on that one too. Killington is open, and others will soon follow. Only about a month until the first race. Remember, Okemo on Dec. 11th. See you all there!!!!!

Thursday, September 30, 1999
Ok. I finally snagged a copy of the schedule, and it has been posted here. Twenty five races this year, all around New England, New York, and Pennsylvania. I haven't done much updateing due to the unfortunate fact that my college serves only Coke (choke) products. Its amazing how long one can subsist on water and milk alone. I will do my best to bring you new stuff as i get it. Only two months til the season starts, so hold on, its coming!!!

Tuesday, July 13, 1999
OK. Heres the deal. Some members of the Dew Crew have been shown on National TV. Kinda. If you watched the All Star Home Run Derby, (And I'm sure many of you did!) when the camreas showed Lansdown stret, especially after McGwire hit a homer, you migth have seen soem Pepsi truck and some dew trucks. Well, the Mt. Dew van was there, the Hummer and trailer, along with some other stuff. I recognized some of the promo things they were using, so i figure this was a Good Stuff operation. Unfortunately, i dont think that Black Diamond Events was involved in this one, so it wasn't totally the Dew Crew, but hopefully they dont mind. Hope everyone has been collecting the Star Wars cans and searching for the Yoda cans. Good luck!!

Monday, July 12, 1999
Hey, in my last news break, i told you about the Dew Tour web site. Well, they also offer some great Mountain Dew merchandise for sale, and the prices aren't too bad either. Check it out!!

Wednesday, April 28, 1999
Hey, the season is fini. It rocked. Hope you all had a chance to get to an event, and also the finals. We had loads of fun, and gave out tons of free stuff. Got news, dont know if its good or bad. There is a new Offical web It is about some new promo that Dew is running. One bad deal, they are using the Dew Crew name (admittedly they own it) without using any of the original Dew Crew. Props to all the guys who worked long and hard this year and congrats to Pete, who know's why.

Wednesday, March 03, 1999
Sorry to take so long for another update. The results from each race are being placed in the Boston Globe's ski section each Thursday following the race. So far the season has been lots of fun. Make A Wish NH is doing a raffle for a trip to Jackson Hole. If you haven't gotten tickets yet, they are only five bucks and will be sold at the finals. Also, they have some great stuff for sale with the Dew Crew logo. Check it out at your next race.

Thursday, January 07, 1999
The Okemo race has been rescheduled for March 21. Hope to see you all there.

Wednesday, November 18, 1998
I have added the schedule for the Boarder on the Edge Snowboard Race Series. Its held only in NH by various NH areas. There are many different events, each race is a different style or format. I believethey all qualify for the finals at Loon the day after the Vertical Challenge Finals. (click here for that schedule)

Sunday, November 15, 1998
Just got back from the Boston SnowSports Expo. Interesting. Not the same as last years, but still fun. The Dew Crew was indeed thee with stuff for all. They brought the dew van (click here to see a pic) and let all play video games. They gave out snickers, stickers, posters with this years schedule, and also litle cards to put in your wallet with the schedule on them. They had a raffle with several cool prizes, and had Talkabout demos. I saw Frank, Mike, some of the women, and heard Pete and others were there. There was a brand spanking new Prowler in the parking lot with Pepsi One logos plastered all over it. It was pretty neat. Heard some rumors as to the huge numbers of actual prizes for each race, but I will force you to go to the races to find out.

Thursday, October 15, 1998
OK. For all you diehards who can't wait to see the guys again, I have a confirmed date. and i quote "[w]e will be out in force" at the Boston SnowSports Expo (Call 617-825-5151 for more info.) It was a blast last year. They gave out prizes, gave away stickers, copies of the schedule, and let people play video games for free. I'll let you know if i find out about the Worcester, Mass., Ski Show.

Tuesday, October 13, 1998
Hey. It's official. The Dew Crew has spread. I dont know about other ares, but the Dew Crew is no longer just for the race. If you live in the Worcester, MA area, Pepsi sponsors a between period promotion with the Worcester Ice Cats. The guys who do it are called "the Dew Crew". Not the same as the guys who run the race. They do have vests and give out free t-shirts, but they don't even come close. Random piece of info, the new Dew logo, which i have finally seen elsewhere on the net, was designed by and for this race last season. So this race has a lot of influence.

Monday, October 12, 1998
I added the new schedule to the schedule page. It is tentative, so don't hold me to it.

If for some reason you want to contact me, I can be reached here .

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