Glenna Rae (White) Eveland
This page is devoted to the memory of my wife.  March 26, 1939 to March 14, 2005.

While attending University School she participated in the Crest Toothpaste tests.

We were married on May 30, 1960, with the idea of always being off work to celebrate our wedding anniversary.  It was that same year that the Federal Government decided that certain holidays should be three-day weekends for the convenience of businesses.

Even though she was not an "outdoors freak" she did enjoy the humming birds, hovering around the Cape Honeysuckle and the morning glories.  She also enjoyed the chipmunks scampering through the campus of Indiana University Bloomington or in our yard in Richmond, Indiana.

Her life shall be celebrated with good times, wonderful memories and most of all puns.  She did enjoy puns.  Feel free to send me any puns of good taste and if appropriate they will be added to her "punny page".  The URL for this page can be found on our "Home Page".

She was diagnosed with Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS) and passed away from the disease.  I have added links on this page so one can learn more about the disease.  This disease is also known as "Hughes Syndrome" in Great Britain.
Glenna Rae as she looked in 1957.  She graduated from University High School in Bloomington, Indiana, in 1957.  At that time University was connected to the Education Department of Indiana University Bloominton and was used  as a "teaching lab" for new teaching methods.
Sites of Interest:
ASH Online
NORD - National Organization for Rare Disorders, Inc.
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My Info:
Name: Darius R. (Will) Eveland