Bad Afro Records, AFROLP024, 2004, Denmark


This is the 3rd album by these Danish garage punkers that have been around since the late nineties. They have already put several records but this one is their best so far. I have been waiting for this one for sometime since the Defectors put out two great split singles with Baby Woodrose and Drive By Shooting the last couple of years and it seems that they needed some time and also some nice funds from the DMF (Danish Musician’s Union!!!) to make this record. The result is a really great record full of garage punk attitude and sexy beats ala Lust-O-Rama and Fuzztones. The songs that appeared for the two split singles I just mentioned are included here too in alternate versions but my fave is called “It’s Gonna Take Some Time” that features Lorenzo from Baby Woodrose in the backing vocals. Generally this album is going to satisfy every garage punk fan. Dig It!



Licorice Tree Records, YUM 1001/2001, 2004, USA


Justin Kearbey (vocals/guitar), Trista Winn (vocals/bass) and Jason Kearbey (drums) are responsible for this blast of furious and untamed garage and trash that comes from Austin, Texas continuing the fame of their fathers and grandfathers (its 2004 granny!) in the 60s! I bet that these guys and girl raised up listening to Mighty Caesars and Headcoats/Headcoatees as their sound is very similar to the Medway scene and its also obvious that there are no dubs in here but only teen madness recorded live in the garage! The recipe is simple as their tunes: 3-chords and lyrics bout lovers gone and lovers on the way. Here are some of the titles to see what I mean: Ive Got My Eye On You, Open Up My Heart, Tears Are Rolling, Feelin Blue, Bring Her Back”…Thats true rocknroll baby! File under Songs & Attitude Billy Childish Taught Us!


V/A It Came From Uranus, CD

Pro-Vel Records, PVR001, 2003, USA


This is the first release by Pro-Vel Records, a new label from St. Louis, Mo, USA. Pro-Vel chose to put out a compilation CD as debut and they did quite a good work as they managed to gather 21 fine garage punk / punk rock tunes and create a unique album of similar sounds. Some of the spotlights on this album are Tomorrows Cavemans Thats Too Bad, a wild garage punk tune, like the ones that are included in their debut album Today!and The Lordly Serpents “But You Think So, another Back From The Grave anthem. Also on top of this album stand The Gentleman Callers “You Outta Know By Now, The Nelsonics shakin instro with organs and sax Dousman Street and The UnMutuals garage punker Throwing Away Today. For more punk than garage you can get The Mistreaters, The Cripplers and The Trip-Daddys. Generally, thats a nice guide to whats happening in the US today.


THE DEFECTORS – Live At The Gutter Island LP/CD

Bad Afro Records, FRO1007, 2004, Denmark


Yet another fab release by Bad Afro Records and The Defectors! This is a “live-best of” the band almost like the one Baby Woodrose put out with the same one. The production is very nice, like it was recorded in a studio. The sound is the authentic caveish one: Ugly guitars, swirling farfisas and the snottiest screams all dedicated to the evil females! If you dug the Lust-O-Rama in the 90s, dig The Defectors in the 00’s, Caveman!




By Caveman

August 2004

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