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The USS SUE DESTROYER: If you hate Mary Sues as much as I do, then come on over and enjoy a good fry up. I take screenshots of these worthless stories and butcher them with red like your English teacher. The Asylum: this is my mainsite. Be gentle. DArk Forest: this site carries pretty much everything else that I can't put onto the Asylum or any other area, all my original fiction. The Ruins: This is my Charlie Bone fanpage. Enjoy. Wonderland: This is a serial comic that really has no exact order, but it comes in one. Three girls get to go through all the worlds you wish you could be in, except every world has been perverted by fangirls and me. Alternate Realities: This is dedicated to my story Alternate Realities: The Dark Queen. Stories are Mature. Silver Glass Hound: story is a work in progress, may be mature. My Deviant art page my Fanfiction.net archive my fictionpress.com archive ComicsOnline.net: where you can read other comics and The Four has a listing as well! |
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