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Wenseday, February 19th, 2003
Wild Card - Well I've updated again. It's a miracle. Actually I didn't really add any content I just cleaned a few places up and changed a couple of things since I'm pressed for time. I'm going to clean up some more of the errors in the coding and make it so you can right click on this site within the next few days. "Project UPG" was updated a bit and a couple other sections the some didn't save properly so I'm not sure which ones changed and which ones stayed. If you visit this site please e-mail me because if their aren't any visitors I'm not going to waste my time. On the other hand if people do visit this I will be adding some things and probably get a new message board and possibly adding a Yu-Gi-Oh section however since I'm the only member of the staff this will take some time. Since it is only me articles can be sumbitted to me for any of the sections and you will recieve credit for your work if posted. I'm also considering getting some members on the staff for either a section/sections or all around preferrably someone who is good with graphics). If you would be intrested in either of these contact me as well. I'll be doing some light housekeeping around the site for the next week or so and then if the site still has some visitors I will look into adding more content and updating regularly. Enjoy!
Monday, February 17th, 2003
Wild Card - Wow. It has been a date since this website has been updated, eh? Well the site is dead if you haven't noticed and yet for some reason I get more mail about it now then I did when it was around. Well I respond to quite a bit of it but some of it does get deleted because only spam goes to that account. My new e-mail address is listed under the link for Wild Card including this one. Well the reason I'm actually updating now is to correct my e-mail address so I don't accidently delete any and because someone mailed me, a to be precise about He mentioned that the Sailor Moon CCG was played there and while I didn't notice it there it did have some other card games and I only gave it a brief glance. It may be worth checking out if you have intrest in the Sailor Moon CCG or other ones that have gone the way of the Dodo for the most part. Well to wrap this update up the contest has been over since the site is dead (I've recieved a couple e-mails about it) and now that I did this update I might get back into it though I must say I wouldn't hold my breathe if I were you. On the other hand Yu-Gi-Oh! gave more wind to the popularity of anime CCGs as the DBZ CCG dies off. If anybody still reads this site enjoy what there is because there most likely won't be anymore but I do enjoy reading your e-mails so please keep them coming but at my new address. 'Till next time.