It was 42 degrees below zero In January 2004 when this picture was taken. Some of the windows are wide open. With the ever increasing natural gas prices most people can't afford to crank the heat so high that windows need to be opened. Build your own web site | Yahoo! Canada GeoCities The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it. : Albert Einstein Ontario Roundtable on Best Practices Addressing Homelessness A map of our little town. I have been
informed I am not allowed to repeat any negative information on behalf
of the poor in the newspaper without
the fear of being charged with liable. I am only allowed to say
positive things. Positive
things can be printed in a paper whether proven to be true or not
This enables
people to get friends and associated to write letters and feed us
Why? Because no on sues for saying good things about someone, so the
truth is irrelevant, until a politician wants to hire a PI. to dig for
dirt on an opponent, then it's okay.??? There's a double standard
for you.
Exactly when did this particular board of
directors unite?Answer: February 2004. Why? Because of the $60.000.00 Trilliam grant. Lies of omission are meant to deceive the consumer and donator. Nowhere are potential boarders, the homeless or public informed that PAROLEES are released at The Good Samaritan Inn. Nowhere do they mention homeless people can't even find the place because it is not "centrally located" Timmins population has 95% of the homeless. (Please refer to the Roses Nadeau/Maple Leaf section below) Rebuttal: Monday, March 2, 2004 In rebuttal to the article “The Good Samaritan Inn Sets The Record Straight”. To call people’s questions
and concerns about a publicly supported place “evil” is most
pretentious. It is not evil to confront an issue. What is evil is
when good people know of evil, and do nothing about it.
If a meeting inviting the public to join their Board of Directors was publicized in the Daily Press it wasn’t as noticeable as the obvious aforementioned article written by the Secretary of The Good Samaritan Inn Donald Bruneau. Mr. Bruneau says it hurts him deeply to hear false rumors against the Inn. Well Mr. Bruneau, it hurts our children and families deeply having to worry about leaving our windows open anymore and being safe in our own homes. It hurts us deeply to have our neighborhood imposed upon by dropping off parolees and bringing a convicted rapist here to take up permanent residence in the homeless shelter. You don’t mention that in your “Setting The Record Straight” statement. You don’t mention a lot of things the public has the right to know. Like the homeless people can't even find the place because it is not "centrally located" Exactly when did this particular Board of Directors unite? Answer: February 2004. Why? Because of a sought after $60.000.00 Trillium grant. No one is attacking the “Homeless”. On the contrary, we want to help the poor and homeless. However this “homeless shelter” encourages dependence rather than encouraging independent living. It advertises for permanent residents and for senior citizens at the rate of up to $550.00 per month, room and board, in the Timmins Times. Founder/President of The Good Samaritan Inn Rose Nadeau advertises that women and children of any age are welcome there. She does so aware that a convicted rapist and other offenders of any crime are sharing the common bathrooms and living areas. It does not mention that boarders, parolees, Rose, her mother, and her brother are all living in the homeless shelter eating the food and taking up the space meant for the homeless. This is exactly why Jesus was born in a manger, “For there was no room at the Inn”. Rose Nadeau, in her letter to the Timmins Daily Press editor, "The Maple Leaf could serve as a Shelter" states her wants clearly. No one was willing to sell her real estate in Timmins because they did not want the shelter in their neighborhoods. Instead of the city donating or supporting the "Homeless Shelter" by moving it into one of the dozens of empty buildings in Timmins, three vehicles were donated to transport the homeless from Timmins to The Good Samaritan Inn in South Porcupine. We are 5,000 people in South Porcupine; Timmins has 50,000 with a much larger downtown core. What is evil sir is Timmins denying the homeless affordable housing or a homeless shelter in Timmins. So don't be calling it "Timmins’ first homeless shelter”. Timmins rejected the shelter by their actions. Ostracize yourselves, not the people of South Porcupine who have real concerns knowing that convicted rapists and other offenders are living in the neighborhood. The Inn must be located where it would be most accessible to the majority of homeless and poor. It makes more sense to pick up the rare homeless people from South Porcupine and transport them to Timmins to a shelter rather than transporting the many more Timmins homeless here. Just one round trip a day to Timmins at a conservative cost of $5.00 for gas per round trip equals $1,825.00 per year, whereas a liberal estimate of one round trip per week to South Porcupine from Timmins would run $260.00 per year. $1,825.00 is ¼ of the Inns $80.000.00 mortgage payment. The Inn has three donated vehicles. If each of the three vehicles makes one round trip to Timmins and back per day, (I'm sure they are used more) a conservative annual gas total would run $5,475.00, which comes to 2/3’s of the Inn's mortgage payment. Is the Good Samaritan Inn a Homeless Shelter or a Tax Shelter? Quoted from “The Good Samaritan Inn Sets the Record Straight” is the intended scolding in the above article. "Come my children, listen to me. I will teach you to fear Yahweh. Who among you delights in life, longs for a time to enjoy prosperity? Guard your tongue from evil, your lips from any breath of deceit. Turn away from evil and do good. Seek peace and pursue it." Psalms: 34-12-14 Mr. Bruneau goes on to warn us about what serious evils and harm can be done by the words of others and that we can curse or bless others with our mouths and will be judged accordingly by God. So be it Mr. Bruneau, you chose the quote. We who have invested our lives and money and are raising our families in South Porcupine, we who have roots and loved ones here, we who watch each other’s backs, neighbor for neighbor so we can sleep and live in peace, we who choose to live here in this "out of the way area" for our children’s and senior’s safety. We are the taxpayers , we are the voters, we too are children of God who are working hard to secure our futures. Many people are just a cheque away from being homeless, barely holding things together, and have been robbed of the delights in life and can no longer look forward to prosperity which Mr. Bruneau spoke of in his article, due to the present location of The Good Samaritan Inn. It is the "drop off centre" for parolees and home to known sex offenders, which knocks off no less than $10,000.00 in salability and property value, no matter how much we upgrade, no matter how many gold mines open. Who would want to bring their family to our neighborhood knowing who we are sharing our sidewalks and rental accommodations with? What you heard sir was the truth, there is more and it gets worse. Mr. Bruneau, if you support
the Rose Nadeau and her Good Samaritan Inn so much let them move
next to your schools and home.
Yours Truly, Mary Theresa Kristie Concerned mother, grandmother, friend and home owner in South Porcupine. Solutions: -Affordable housing makes more sense and iis the most humane unselfish long term solution for the homeless… Homeless shelter must not become a way of life. A shelter is a stepping stone, a temporary place to get back on ones feet, not a lifestyle. -Women and children should be driven to thhe Women’s Crisis Center in Timmins or OFIFC - Native Friendship Centre These places will pick up women and children in crisis if you call them. They are kind and warm places where they will be safe. -If a person shows up at the Inn drunk or& high and are denied a bed because of it and are left to stagger the streets, they can hurt themselves or endanger others. The police must be notified each and every time, good weather or bad. This prevents them from being mugged or beaten up, from wandering into traffic, freezing to death or drowning by falling in Porcupine Lake or river. Alcoholics and drug abusers could be detoxified and followed up with a life long help and support systems if they are treated with dignity. -The Mentally Challenged have wonderful grroup homes to be directed to with fantastic services accessible to them. They have activities people can chose to participate in, plus a social life with peers to share and individual freedoms. -Young people who are rebelling can now chhoose to sleep or live at the Inn instead of abiding by their family. This is not good and may deeply interfere with the parents ability to discipline their children. However in abusive situations young people need professional guidance, protection, boundaries and shelter and should be directed to youth programs, the YMCA or South Cochrane Child and Youth Service or Children’s Aid, not housed with parolees. If you have a friend or family member who does not have access to a computer but have something to say please inform them about this page and write their story for them to post here by clicking Submit Your Experience. or send it to Together we can form an alliance with others who have been inside and know the truth. United we stand, divided you suffer alone. We can call the press and you as a group can tell them your experience, whether negative or positive. My words are hearsay and therefore libelous. I tried to speak on your behalf because when a person is in need and has no place to go they hardly feel comfortable telling on the Innkeeper, for to do so means they are back on the street, many fear the police and do not feel they will be believed. Confidentiality is hogwash when it is used to sweep dirt under the rug and keep the community clue less. I understand helping strangers is
a dangerous and delicate job.
No child plays, "When I grow up I'm going to be homeless or a drunk or a drug addict or mentally broke down." Someone or some thing must have devastated a person before they wind up homeless. With this in mind it is imperative to always remember, "But for the grace of God go I"... And when someone enters a homeless shelter it is a most humbling and embarrassing position to be in. Rightfully so these people may be angry, depressed, untrusting, weary, drunk, high, violent, dirty, frightened and or emotionally exhausted. Their spirits have been mangled by a life we cannot imagine if we live in comfort and are surrounded by love. Often times they do not know about God or Jesus and if they do they don't feel very blessed and aren't open to His word. They need gentle coaxing and respect for what they are feeling. After all folks, what are we but a mass of feelings? We can't help how we feel but with patience one can open a heart and help mend it treating people as Jesus would have, with dignity and their soul foremost in mind. This is how to convert the faithless and offer hope, by example and with a firm but loving heart. This is what I see and feel a homeless shelter should be about. A warm welcome combined with a respectful explanation for a security check for weapons, alcohol and drugs. This is for the safety of everyone in the home. Each person should be given a personal care kit which would include a tooth brush, toothpaste, soap, deodorant, comb, shampoo, disposable razor, shaving cream and after shave. (women, disposable razor and menstrual pads if required) (get these things donated, at cost ) Each room should contain a personal drinking cup, wash cloth, towel, bath robe, slippers, bed, chair, pillow and blanket. (get these things donated, at cost or made by volunteers) a brochure containing a list of things the poor may not know they have rights to such as eye exams, literacy tests and connections to volunteer tutors, medical exam, prescription drug card. Nutritious Meals. Allow time for them to adjust and rest before expecting them to be receptive to your ideas for them. Always remember your job is to liberate the people who go there from the loss of everything toward an independent self sufficient life. We are not there to make people depend on us. We are there to guide people up and out of poverty and offer the referrals to those who can assists with budgeting, literacy and higher education. To be eligible you must be poor. Each eligible individual or family is entitled to a "start up check" as well as their assistance check for basic needs and shelter. To attain this one must bring in a receipt or letter of intent to rent, and an itemized list of needs and moving expenses. The Inn should be able to help people find an apartment, get the letter of intent to rent, go to Ontario Works, apply for assistance and the start up check, take the person shopping, help them move in and thank God for their new found liberty. Offer long term friendship and let them know they are welcome to recieve guidance and referals or to volunteer at the Inn. They are also weclome to join in worship and the serenity of prayer. A literacy test followed with a tutor to teach those found to be unable to read. Referrals to upgrading and a way to get to the school. Medical check-ups and a way to get there. Counseling for those who need an impartial ear and sound advice. The
Samaritan was and is not the "Inn keeper".
The Good Samaritans are the Volunteers. Click here now to view Rose Nadeau's page. Check this out. |
Quoted from The Good Samaritan Inn Page Click on the words below to view the original page. Then click "back" on your browser to return here. The Good Samaritan Inn is more than just a shelter for the homeless, it is a place where those who doubt can find faith, where the lonely can find a friend, where those who struggle to survive can find comfort, where the tired can find strength, where those in despair can find hope, where the lost can find a sanctuary to rest their weary souls and those rejected by society can find love. The Good
Samaritan Inn is here to assist you with whatever your needs may be. The above claims are all oxymoron's when we learn the law abiding poor must accept being grouped with parolees and it is not advertised anywhere in Rose Nadeau's publications for tenants. Discharge Policies from Correctional Facilities According to the Provincial Task Force on Homelessness, discharge planning is made available to people being released from provincial correctional facilities to ensure that they have a place to go in the community. Discharge planning is also mandated as a condition of release for parolees. However, it cannot be forced on those who have completed their sentences, and it is estimated that approximately one third of individuals go to emergency hostels upon release. During consultation meetings held by the Task Force, it was recommended that the correctional system ensure that discharge planning is accessed by all offenders who are about to return to the community. |
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Date of Issue December 16, 1993 The establishment normally provides temporary accommodation rather than a permanent place of residence; where required by municipal and/or provincial regulations, the establishment is licensed for business for the purpose of providing a temporary place to stay; the establishment is available for rental to the public on a temporary [transient] basis |
Supportive Housing Supportive housing accommodations are for seniors who require minimal to moderate levels of personal care and support to live independently. Many locations have rent-geared-to-income subsidies available. Retirement Homes Retirement homes are privately owned rental accommodations for seniors who require minimal to moderate levels of personal care and support to live independently. Retirement homes are funded entirely by the revenues from resident fees. Long-Term Care Facilities Long-term care facilities are designed for people who need the availability of 24 hour nursing care, supervision or higher levels of personal care. These government regulated facilities are also known as nursing homes, municipal homes for the aged, or charitable homes. Residents pay for accommodation charges and the care is funded by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. |
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40% of
non-profit housing providers are dedicated to providing a place for
seniors to stay in their home communities. They make up 20% of all
non-profit housing units Low income families: 60% of non-profit units are populated by families, many of rent geared to their income People with Special Needs: a third of non-profit housing gives the disabled a place to live independently. Nonprofit, in concert with social service agencies, also house those who require special support, such as those with mental disabilities, the chronically homeless and frail elderly, thereby avoiding the need for in institutional care. |
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Key ingredients for qualification as a charity thus appear to include:
A for-profit organization is just that - it is involved in making a profit for its owners or shareholders. Some self-improvement seminar organizations out there are profit making companies - overtly so. That is relevant information. Then there are non-profit groups. Anyone can start an organization as a nonprofit group. This means simply that it is not incorporated for the purpose of making anyone rich, but for some other reason. Nonprofit is not the same as tax exempt. Tax-exempt means the group has shown evidence to the Internal Revenue Service which satisfies legal requirements that it is operating in a way that benefits others so that people who donate funds to the organization can take tax deductions for their donations. |