You have answered "FALSE" |
You got it! Yeshua said that the Law would not pass away until heaven and earth passed away first. HEAVEN AND EARTH ARE STILL HERE!!! Yeshua further stated that not one jot or tittle would leave until all was accomplished. All has not been accomplished. There are a host of Messianic prophecys in the Torah that have not been fulfilled that the Messiah will yet fulfill. One is Deutronomy 30:1-10. It is about the final exodus of Israel from all of the nations where they were scattered. It is repeated many times such as in Ezekiel 34 foretelling of the Messiah as the Great Shepherd. Then after the resurrection, when some believe the Torah did pass away, the disciples asked Yeshua before he ascended if it was the time for the restoration of the kingdom to Israel this is the same prophecy that Moses and the other prophets spoke of. "And so when they had come together, they were asking him, saying, ""Lord, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel?"" Acts 1:6 There are still future prophetic events, that have not been accomplished yet. This is one of the strongest reasons why many Jews do not accept Messiahship of Yeshua; He didn't fulfill all of the prophesys. Therefore the Torah, can not pass away until all is accomplished. |