The Great Book Quest: Special Edition
A couple of years ago, I started a thread on the role-playing forum on The thread was named The Great Book Quest (rpg for ya all)" (sadly the original thread has been lost in the depths of the forum). It was a so-called "join in", where I started to write about what my "character" (Red Un) did, and then anyone who wanted could write what their character did, and then I responded with what my character did next, and then they responded... You get the idea. I had some people who joined in, and the adventure began. And then it grew.
And grew.
In the end, "The Great Book Quest" had over 150 pages of roleplaying goodness, which was quite the feat. It soon achieved a status as the biggest join-in ever known in Tibia.
But now it's over. The story ended, and there's no reason to continue. The characters moved on to other join-ins, and The Great Book Quest will probably slip into the realms of myth.
That's why I made this site. My goal is to edit the whole of the Great Book Quest, fix all (or most) spelling errors, take out all the useless posts (and lemme tell ya, there was a lot of those) and present the epic story for all to read, and preserve it for the future.
I would like to especially thank the eminent Erig for his help with compiling the whole thing and making it easier to edit. Thanks a lot! And now...
And don't forget to check the Extra material!
Also, you feel the need to contact me for some reason, go ahead.
17.02.2007 What's this? What's this?
You might've noticed a little change here on the main page. I figured I'd place the introduction before the news. It's far more convenient, trust me. But that's not the only update! I've added a whole new section, the Extra material section. It's a bit empty right now, but expect more stuff in there in the future!
15.02.2007 That's it!
Yup, I'm done. The final chapters, 34-38, are up! Nice seeing you, have a good day, etc...
Oh, you want more? Well, this is the special edition, so let's see what I can provide... First of all, The Chronicles of Creation: Nornur's Progeny could probably be considered a sequel of sorts to The Great Book Quest and hey, it's still going on! A lot of exciting adventures, provided by Mr. Narudin (you might have seen him here and there in the story you've (hopefully) just read).
And no, this isn't the last update of the Special Edition. First of all, I hereby announce The Great Bug Quest! Fun for the whole family! All you have to do is to check through the story I've just provided you and see if there are still any misspellings, odd sentences or continuty-errors, and tell me! Don't expect a prize or anything... Maybe I'll mention you in a future update when I fix the bugs.
And that's not all! Expect to see more stuff on this page in the future, such as a FAQ, profiles of all the characters involved, a dictionary for all you non-Tibians and who knows, perhaps even some more fanart (hint hint)!
12.02.2007 Merry christmas, happy new year, etc.
Well, what have we here? I've started updating again? Heck, maybe this'll be one project that I actually finish! Anyway, chapters 31-33 are up, go read 'em!
19.10.2006 You know the drill by now
Chapter 24 to 30, up, go read, etc. Next update: Introducing... Narudin! And who is the mysterious girl from Red Un's past? 'Nuff said!
27.09.2006 Something a little more important
Chapters 17 to 23 are up! Go read 'em! And to fill out the space a bit, I'll tell you about future additions to the site, once the actual story is all up. It will include character bios for all the participating characters, no matter how little they're there, an FAQ to answer questions you might have, and a dictionary with various terms you non-Tibia-players might be unfamiliar with.
24.09.2006 Nothing important
This is just a teensy weensy update. I've changed the email adress, so if you wanna send me stuff, make sure you send it to the new one. I have edited many more chapters, so be prepared for a more interesting update soon.
18.09.2006 It's been a while
Yup, I'm back with five more shiny chapters for your reading pleasure. When will there be even more? Who knows? Hopefully soon.
13.01.2006 That's that then...
I've got another chapter up. Just one, I hear you cry? That's because it's the last one in my back-log of chapters that I had already edited before I began the homepage. Now I'll have to go edit some more before I can put them up.
04.11.2005 Fanart!
Well waddya know, here's some fanart, by Óin of World of Tibia fame. Thanks a lot, Óin!
02.11.2005 Chapters, and an index!
We're up to 10 chapters now. And I made an index for easier navigation.
16.10.2005 More chapters!
I finally got around to get up some more chapters. Up to number five, in fact! Considering how long this thing is gonna get eventually, I suspect I should make an index of some kind. Stay tuned!
Jesus said, "The Pharisees and the scribes have taken the keys of knowledge (gnosis) and hidden them. They themselves have not entered, nor have they allowed entering those who wish to. You, however, be as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves."
The Gospel of Thomas