<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/thegreatdorian/Pass.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
Dorian's Spot on the Internet
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Wussup everybody.  My name is Dorian. This is my first webpage ever.  I know it's not the best around.  Please bear with me.

I know you don't just want to see my pictures. You want to get to know me as well.  To start off, let me tell you there are two sides of me.  I named one side
"LIGHT", and the other one "DARK".  Do you want to know them?  Come inside and I'll introduce them to you.

Kickin it at the Computer
My Info:
Name: Dorian
City, State:
Long Beach, California
Email: Litecycle1@writeme.com
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