S.A.F.E. On Campus Ally List
The list's format is (Name), (Email), (Student, Faculty or Staff), (Department), (Office Address), (Phone)
These people have made a commitment to be a resource for GLBT students, feel free to contact them.
- Christine Agar, cagar@comcast.net , Staff, Graham Health Center, GHC x4795 (sub extentsion 1680 )
- Ashley Alderman, Student
- Dawn Aubry, dmaubry@oakland.edu , Staff, New Student Programs, 134 NFH, x3228
- Bryan Austin, btaustin@oakland.edu, Student
- Paul Battle, battle@oakland.edu , Staff, Education and Human Services, 367 SEHS, x3089
- Brandon Bernier, bernier@oakland.edu , Staff, Student Affairs, 49 OC x2997
- Shay Binion, srbinion@oakland.edu , Student, Student Program Board, 64 OC x4296
- Sigrid Brandt, brandt@oakland.edu , Staff, Reading and Language Arts, 485K ED, x3065
- Cathleen Breidenbach, breidenb@oakland.edu, Faculty, Rhetoric, Communication and Journalism, 315 Wilson Hall, x4137
- Rocky Brown, rabrown@oakland.edu, Student, Resident Assistant
- Jeremy Bruce, ducttapefairy@hotmail.com , Student
- Sarah Buckland, sebuckla@oakland.edu , Student
- Nicole Bush-Lane, nylane@oakland.edu , Student, Resident Assistant
- Shannon Busse, snbusse@oakland.edu , Student, Resident Assistant
- Paul Carlin, prcarlin@oakland.edu , Staff/Student, New Student Programs, 134 NFH, x2655
- Kristy Chene, chene@oakland.edu , Staff, New Student Programs, 134 NFH, x3260
- Bela Chopp, bchopp@oakland.edu , Staff, Counseling Center, GHC, x3465
- Laura Christensen, lmchrist@oakland.edu , Student, Resident Assistant
- Elizabeth Comer, eacomer@oakland.edu , Student
- Lauren Conn, lmconn@oakland.edu , Student
- Sara Crampton, crampton@oakland.edu , Staff, Center for Student Activities, 49 OC, x2024
- Dagmar Cronn, cronn@oakland.edu , Faculty, Chemistry, 285 SEB, x4064
- Jessica Deisenroth, jrdeisen@oakland.edu , Student
- Andy Dobry, agdobry@oakland.edu , Student
- Ryan Donnellon, trdonnel@oakland.edu , Student, Resident Assistant
- Elizabeth Doyle, emdoyle@oakland.edu , Student
- Mallory Elias, mlelias@oakland.edu , Student
- Sean Engler, snengler@oakland.edu , Student
- Chantell Evans, cdevans2@oakland.edu , Student
- Mark Ewing, mwewing@oakland.edu , Student
- Steven Fabry, viper024@aol.com , Student
- Akintunde Folaju, atfolaju@oakland.edu , Student, Resident Assistant
- Emily Fox, enfox@oakland.edu , Student
- Moira Fracassa, fracassa@oakland.edu , Staff, Business Administration, 332 EH, x3273
- James Franklin, jfrankli@oakland.edu , Staff, Graham Health Center, GHC, x4675
- Katrina Franklin, klfrankl@oakland.edu , Student
- Jeff Frankowiak, jmfranko@oakland.edu , Student, Resident Assistant
- Brandon Galbraith, sternum_trooper@hotmail.com , Student
- James Gammicchia, jvgammic@oakland.edu , Student, Student Congress, 62 OC, x4291
- Bina Giaimo, bgiaimo@oakland.edu , Staff, Housing, 448 Hamlin, x2978
- Julie Goodsmith, jlgoodsm@oakland.edu , Student
- Krystena Gordon, ksgordon@oakland.edu , Student
- Joe Grone, jpgrone@oakland.edu , Student
- Mario Hagar, mjhagar@oakland.edu , Student
- Monica Haines, haines@oakland.edu , Staff, University Human Resources, 144A NFH, x3482
- Keri Hammonds, kmhammon@oakland.edu , Staff, Housing, 448 Hamlin, x2977
- Heather Haney, hlhaney@oakland.edu , Student
- LaToya Hearn, ldhearn@oakland.edu , Student
- Heather Heeter, hlheeter@oakland.edu , Student
- Amy Hirschman, hirschma@oakland.edu , Staff, Athletics, 201 Athletics, x2669
- Jacqueline Hoagland, loveyourbody669@yahoo.com ,Student
- Tom Hopkins, tohopkin@oakland.edu , Student, Resident Assistant
- Duane Hurt, dahurt@oakland.edu , Student
- Christopher Jordan, c2jordan@oakland.edu , Student, Resident Assistant
- Kalee Iacoangeli, kmiacoan@oakland.edu , Student, Resident Assistant
- Tyeholu Johnson, tmjohnson@oakland.edu , Student
- Daniel Johnston, djjohnst@oakland.edu , Student
- Greg Jordan, jordan@oakland.edu , Staff, Campus Recreation, 155 RAC, x4888
- Laura Kaakati, lillithk@aol.com , Staff, Graham Health Center, GHC x4795 (sub extension 1984)
- Matt Kelly, mjkelly@oakland.edu , Student
- Marshall Kitchens, kitchens@oakland.edu , Faculty, Rhetoric, Communication and Journalism, 402 WH, x2075
- Jennifer Kodrik, jkodrik@hotmail.com , Staff, Graham Health Center, GHC, x4795
- Lauren Lafleur, lalafleu@oakland.edu , Student
- Cassie Lane, clane@oakland.edu , Staff, Graham Health Center, GHC, x2341
- Carolyn Lang, clang@oakland.edu , Student, Resident Assistant
- Stacey LaPoulas salapoul@oakland.edu , Student
- Karina Lepkowski, kalepkow@oakland.edu , Student
- Carol Lieving, lieving@oakland.edu , Staff, University Human Resources, 142 NFH, x3404
- Katie Livingston, kaliving@oakland.edu , Student
- Nicole Lucio, Student, Resident Assistant
- Sarah Luczyk, luczyk@oakland.edu , Staff, University Housing, 448 Hamlin, x3328
- Donna Malaski, molnar@oakland.edu , Staff, HRD, 430A ED, x3066
- Cristina Marleau, tinamarleau@core.com , Student
- Pamela Marsh, p2warner@oakland.edu , Staff, Counseling Center, GHC, x3468
- Kathy McCarty, kmmccart@oakland.edu , Student
- Lindsay McCullough, lmmccull@oakland.edu , Student
- Valency McDaniel, vvmcdani@oakland.edu , Student
- Erin McInerney, emcinern@oakland.edu , Student, Resident Assistant
- Glenn McIntosh, mcintosh@oakland.edu , Staff, Dean of Students, 144 OC, x3354
- Tara McIntosh, tbmcinto@oakland.edu , Student, Resident Assistant
- Brigid McKale bmmckale@oakland.edu , Student
- Andrea McNinch almcninc@oakland.edu , Student
- Jean Ann Miller, jam@oakland.edu , Staff, CSA, 49 OC, x4332
- Josh Miller, jjmille2@oakland.edu , Student
- Katie Miller, km3mille@oakland.edu , Student, Resident Assistant
- Megan Misztura, mmisztur@oakland.edu , Student
- Gary Moore, moore@oakland.edu , Faculty, Nursing, 446 ODH, x4078
- Linda Morrison, lmorriso@oakland.edu , Staff, Sociology/Anthropology, 511B Varner, x2501
- Frank Moss, fbmoss@oakland.edu , Staff, University Housing, 448 Hamlin, x4061
- Julie Munger, jmunger@oakland.edu , Student
- Raenna Peiss, infinit@umich.edu , Student
- Crystal Perry, keeko2285@hotmail.com , Student
- Thomas Pickle, tjpickle@oakland.edu , Student
- Melissa Pope, popem@cooley.edu , Staff, Cooley Law School, 472 ODH, x3630
- Derrick Putansu, TheCliche18@yahoo.com , Student
- Jo Reger, reger@oakland.edu , Faculty, Sociology/Anthropology, 511A Varner, x2500
- Jeff Reid, jrreid@oakland.edu , Student, Resident Assistant
- Carrie Richard, clrichar@oakland.edu , Student
- Judy Robinson, j2robins@oakland.edu , Staff, Career Services, 275 WVBH, x3211
- Nichole Ross, naross2oakland.edu , Student
- Bonnie Ryan, blyryan@oakland.edu , Student
- Sandy Sala, sala@oakland.edu , Faculty, Philosophy, 341 ODH, x3390
- Nancy Schmitz, schmitz@oakland.edu , Staff, Student Affairs, 121 NFH, x3227
- Gloria Sosa, gasosa@oakland.edu , Staff, CMI, 121 NFH, x4404
- Lindsay Stover, lyndsai21@hotmail.com , Student
- Elisha Sutton, elsutton@oakland.edu , Staff, Housing, 448 Hamlin, x2980
- Brandon Svenson, bcsvenso@oakland.edu , Student
- Joanne Talarek, talarek@oakland.edu , Staff, Graham Health Center, GHC, x2341
- Mike Theunick, mrtheuni@oakland.edu , Student
- Christina Tierman, tierman@oakland.edu , Staff, CSA, 49 OC, x4334
- David Tindall, dmtindal@oakland.edu , Staff, SEHS Advising, 363 Pawley Hall, x2632
- Kate Tyler, tyler@oakland.edu , Faculty, Management and Marketing, 334 Elliott , x2838
- Lucy VandePutte, levandep@oakland.edu , Student
- Theresa Vitale, tavitale@oakland.edu , Student, Resident Assistant
- Julie Voelck, voelck@oakland.edu , Staff, Kresge Library, 300D KL, x2486
- Laura Wakerly, lawakerl@oakland.edu , Student
- Diana Walcott, diwalcot@oakland.edu , Student
- Pamela Warner, p2warner@oakland.edu , Staff, Counseling Center, GHC, x3468
- Rebecca Wickham, wickham@oakland.edu , Staff, Housing, 448 Hamlin, x3325
- Diane Williams, p2willia@oakland.edu , Staff/Student, University Relations, 203 JDH, x3700
- Christopher Wolf, cfwolfs@oakland.edu , Staff, Admissions, 101 NFH, x4472
- Sarah Wood, skwood@oakland.edu , Student
- Sara Yurich, sara_yurich@yahoo.com , Student
- Clarice Zuccaro, clarice_z@hotmail.com , Student
- Danielle Zuccaro, pssprez04@yahoo.com , Student