Welcome to Dave's Heli Page
Thanks to my wife for putting up with this hobby.
Radio Control Electric Helicopter
This page is dedicated to my Century Hummingbird micro electric helicopter.  I have found this to be much more fun than R/C cars or planes.  I will share my success with this helicopter through  pictures, tips and hopefully videos before long.  Thanks for looking.  Good luck and good flying!  - Dave
Featured Tip:
My Century Hummingbird Helicopters:
Make your own head stiffener

Use carbon rod from your broken landing gear.  Cut 2 pieces equal length - same length as the main rotor yoke (head).  Place a rubber stop (from landing gear) on each end of each piece you just cut.  CA the rods into place in the grooves on top of the stock head.
Favorite Links:
Century Helicopters.com
RC Groups Micro Heli Forum
Like 90.com
My Helicopters 3/1/05
Click the Picture above to see more pictures.