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The Hallowed History of the Gutter Realm
The Brown-Eyed Wonder Brigade (BEWB) has its origins in the ranks of the Crumpeteers (followers of the Crumpet, Jamie Bamber). Some of those on the bamber Yahoo Group expressed an...interest...in Terence Corrigan (M'Man Henry Wellard) after Horatio Hornblower 2 was aired, and one Katsie picked up on it. She intrepidly invented BEWB and started inducting all those who were in love with His Freckle-Faced Cuteness. She, being the devoted Indygal that she is, noticed that there were quite a few Indylovers drooling over Terence, and started a BEWB Yahoo Group. The Brown Eyed Wonder Brigade as we know it was born!

The list grew in number faster than Katsie had ever dared to hope, and one fateful day one Susie remarked that one Sarah was definately 'Queen of the Gutter.' The title stuck, and Sarah was crowned. Susie became the Gutter Princess, and the rest of the Court was appointed, with Katsie as the Queen Mum. Our Gutter (notice the capital 'G'-it's a proper noun) became more than just a simple place to dive into when we thought about certain British actors. It became...a second home, if you will. We've had visiting EMTs, vampires, and a cloning machine. But that's another story

I never knew about us springing from the forehead of the Bamber list (I wasn't online for that, *sniff*). But I *do* know that many moons ago, in a far-off place, lived a handsome prince with a gloomy face...

Sorry, I spend waaaaaay too much time in theater.


A couple of us at the BEWB, specifically myself and the Queen were getting rather, erm, enthusiastic with our gushing. A couple of the more innocent posters made a reference to us being stuck in the gutter. We started taking little camping trips in the gutter, getting a big-screen TV, installing a diving board for easier entrance. Then, one fateful day, I made told Sarah that she was the Queen of the Gutter. Well, she named me Princess, and we both in turn dubbed Kasey Duchess. It kind of snowballed from there. We've had our share of adventures--a struggle with the dreaded disease SDDS (Sudden Drool Depravation Syndrome), and lately a bout with the FBI over Kasey and Katsie's cloning machine. We've dubbed new courtiers along the way. We've used up just about every position we can think of.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

Excellent summary, Susie! I couldn't have put it better myself! Yup, I was there from the beginning...Gosh I feel old! Most BEWBies are Crumpeteers, since the bamber list is where we got our humble origins. Here is the induction ceremony that Katsie started with:

I now induct thee, _______, into the Brown-Eyed Wonder Brigade. You have the right to call thyself a BEWBie (or a Wellie or a Brownie). You must defend Wellard/Terence Corrigan with your dying breath (unless using it to defend
Jamie instead ;)) and you are allowed to gush at any time thou deemest fit :)
There you have it, straight from the bamber list archives! Oh, the effort I put forth in the name of the Brownie!

If we had to name the leaders of the BEWB, I would have to say it would be Katsie, Susie, and I. Katsie is the List Mum, Queen Mum, and founder. She gave us our start. Susie and I are the head of the Gutter, which is an organization closely associated with the BEWB...well...intertwined with the BEWB, more likely. But we don't have such a rigid chain of authority as the Cult of Sam (West), with the High Freakin' Priestess and Low Freakin' Priestess, nor are we a sisterhood like the Crumpeteers, with no leader whatsoever. We are a happy medium, joined together in Terence!! We're one big happy family! Let's all join hands and sing Kum Ba Ya!! ::is clobbered by Susie:: Thanks, Susie...I needed that...I don't know what came over me...