General Silliness |
Well...this is pretty much where we've stuck all the stuff we don't know what else to do with... |
The Parodies |
As you may or may not know, we Indygals love makin' parodies about our HH dudes. The Queen (Parody Maker Extraordinaire of the Gutter) and Princess have loads o' fun writing 'em. Some of these are links to the Boardroom, so don't be surprised if you're magically tansported to another page :) |
Giggle Cookies This a creation by the Princess. These are the official snack of the Gutter. Based off a recipe for Mocha Chunk Cookies from the Mrs. Fields Cookie Book (so props to Mrs. Fields! Don't get mad at me, please...), there are a few things added to make them more, well, fun. They're very yummy, so if you're able to bake, make 'em! E-Cards OK, So Hallmark we ain't. But there are a few Gutter e-cards out there. And hey, right-clicking is encouraged with these things. The Gutter Anthems We're patriotic Gutterites...who get a little carried away sometimes. OK, 'really' carried away. Some more parodies by the Princess and Queen: Battle Hymn of the Gutter God Save the Gutter Oh Gutter Court We Three Kings The Hobbits and the Lobsters What would happen in Frodo and Horatio were to meet? A twisted little quasi-story by the Princess The Wack-ulty Too little sleep. Too much time watching bad Elijah Wood movies. Frodo and Wellard have to save their school from alien body-snatchers. The Trips (more to come once Susie gets a scanner) The Queen's Trip To Montreal and Ottowa Journal Icons More insanity happens when Susie and Sarah are given free blogs... |
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