europe must be the petri dish of the world, because after
spending some time there, you are considered cultured.
i have been neglecting this site. poor me, not having the proper
attention span to fufill my own expression of me. ah well, the
altar to me continues. i wonder if ive got worshipers...
02/25/2003-ogg vorbis
i know mp3s work fine, and that you dont have to pay to use
the format, but wouldnt it be more fun to use ogg vorbis? its
got a cooler name, it sounds great, and its open source, so
trendy college student like me get hooked easy. someday i
might even use linux.
02/12/2003-on beverages
it is quite interesting how mixing two beverages together
can create a splendid drink, while the beverages alone
are boring or repulsive.
02/10/2003-intimidating language
which language is more hardcore sounding, russian or german?
"to punish me for my contempt of authority, fate has made me an
authority myself" - einstien
i dont have a particular favorite color at the moment. usually i
can pick one, but not right now. surprisingly, blue is not even a
major consideration, and its between light browns, yellows, and
some indescribable earthy tones.
to my infinite amusement, a friend of mine is now quoted saying
"... and ask myself, 'what would will do?'". now doesnt that just
bring a smile to your face?
01/30/2003-drugs are good
i was feeling pretty crappy since noon yesterday, and at 10pm i
took a couple of tylenol, and behold, i felt way better after
about an hour. anyone who thinks drugs are bad is wrong.
01/27/2003-bar coded christians
would you go to a church if they had a barcode next to your
name on an attendace sheet? freaks me out a little.
01/22/2003-shine or rain
oddly, a cool rain on a hot day is often quite welcome. if
i were weather, i would be rain. storm to mist, it expresses
the more interesting words, the ones people write about, rage,
mystery, change, etc. sunshine is too happy to write
about. unless its bouncing off the moon.
01/22/2003-rain or shine
i would prefer rain to sunshine on a cold day. clouds and rain
you are allowed to openly hate, but sunshine becomes the
unwelcome friend
a friend of mine inadvertantly brought up an issue. you know
how in a dictionary words have multiple definitions, not a
single word i can think of has only a single definition. does
the same hold true for people? are there people who lack a
second definition?
01/21/2003-roberts sleeping still
8:19pm jeez, roberts lazy ass is still asleep
01/21/2003-brain modes
it sucks when your brain is functioning perfect for a task
you are not performing
01/20/2003-jesus feet
ive got these matching moles on my feet that when interpreted
creatively can give the impression of jesus feet
01/20/2003-the first musing
im hungry.