We accept credit cards.
But we don't return them.

- Skac

Our food is better than poison.

- The Ham Meister

Our products usually work.

- The Ham Meister

Our products really work...
I think.

- The Ham Meister

It's bad to suffer a bloody and painful death.
But it's not fun without blood or pain... right?

- Skac

Our yogurt is 0.3% fat-free.

- The Ham Meister

It's non-toxic...
if you remove the toxins.

- Skac

Kills 0.9% of germs.

- The Ham Meister

Our boxes are guaranteed to hold our products.

- The Ham Meister

And when we say "All Natural," we use the term very loosely.

- Skac


© 2001 The Ham Meister
All rights reserved.