It wasn't too long ago there was very little information on hemp avalible to the general public.
Now, there is a wealth of information, on all aspects of hemp.
We will try to lead you to some useful sites with loads of information and links to even more.
Would also like to offer some free walpaper made with a hemp theme.
( Click thumbnail pictures to open full size image. Right click full size image and choose either, "Save as" or "Set as Walpaper / Background"....Enjoy)
Did you know.... Over 8,000 years ago, people saw hemp as a gift from the Creator...And to this day is used by many in daily offerings of thanks for such a wonderous plant.
"When seeking the inner divine...She can open the eyes of the blind to the light of life... Open your ears to the words of truth... She will caress your soul with kindness and fill your heart with love."(Moondog)
Did you know....1 acre of HEMP equels 4 acres of trees and will make every grade of paper at one quarter the cost of wood pulp AND one fifth the pollution!! (source: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture.)
Did you know... HEMP seed is the world's best and cheapest source of protein.( source: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, U.S. Congressional Records. )
Did you know... That HEMP & waste paper can generate ALL fuel for autos and replace all nuclear power at a fraction of the cost of fossil fuel with no pollution or Chernobyl. (source: SolarGas, 1980, Science Digest; 1983-84 U.S. Dept. of Energy)
Did you know... That clinical studies indicate, statistically, that you'll live a little longer if you use marijuana than if you don't. ( source: U.S., Jamaican, Costa Rican and UCLA studies. )
Here are some links to sites with a vast wealth of info.
Please check them out!!!