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  Hepenstal Family Shield

It is common for families to have shields, mottos et c. Many websites have popped up over the years with details of many family names. So - it would seem - do the Hepenstals. It is claimed by a few online heraldry websites that the above is our official shield. On some it is Hepenstal, others Heptinstall or Hempenstall, so yet again we see the names being used inter-changeably.

According to one heraldry website, the family motto is 'Virescrit vulnere virtus', which means
Her virtue flourishes by her wound

Here is a sample of just some of the commercial heraldry websites out there:
HH&G does not necessarily endorse any commercial website

House of Names

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Heppenstall Heritage & Genealogy C. & R. MMIII - MMVI