Most of my Dragon sources come from the D&D Book Draconomicon copyright Wizards of the Coast. Thank you Wizards! |
DRAGONS | ||||||
Dragons..... Do they exist or are they just a figment of our imagination? I myself believe they exist and are not extinct. I believe that they are just hiding waiting for the right time to reveal themselves. I have gone and searched for dragons and I realized that they are hiding. I hope to meet a dragon. I know so much about them but yet all the summonings I tried failed until I looked up. I swear on my soul that in the blue sky was a Cloud Dragon. I saw a dragon! I did not meet it but I saw it! It was an incredible sight. There a many different species of Dragon but the basic ones are the Blue, Black, White, Green, Red, Copper, Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Dragons are more complex than just monsters (how dare they the people call them monsters). Dragons have their dieties just like we have God amd Satan. Their main dietes are Bahamut the Platinum Dragon and Lord of the Nine Winds(click here for Bahamut's Symbol), and Tiamat the Chromatic Dragon and the Mother of all Evil Dragons(click here for Tiamat's Symbol). There are others to though like Io the Ninefold Dragon(click here for Io's Symbol) and Chronepsis the Watchful Eye(click here for Chronepsis' Symbol). Dragons lay eggs. you can read a document on Drgaon Eggs here. The way Dragons mostly act is "We're the most powerful thing to walk the face of the earth. Respect us or die." This, however, is how "MOST" dragons think. Some dragons just want to be left alone others way just want to have fun by raiding villages. Some dragons take on certain ways. Say a Gold Dragon becomes a Sacred Warder of Bahamut, it will protect anything from an attack from an Unholy Ravager of Tiamat. Also say a Silver Dragon becomes a Dispassionate Watcher of Chronepsis it will only get mixed up in the affairs of Dragonkind. Sometimes dragons decide to go through some of the toughest things to become a Dragon Ascendant. Sometimes us Humans will take to some of the dragons dieties. These humans who do this will become either a Platinum Knight or a Talon of Tiamat. Sometimes a human like myself will do something else and becom a Dragon Rider or a Dragon Stalker. Those humans who want glory and gold and a really tough challenge may become a Dragon Slayer. |