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Public Diary | ||||||
April 3rd, 2005 | ||||||
I went over to John's house today.We went to the beach and helped his brother get his keys out of his locked car. John and I went for a walk and wound up in a giant sand pit. We climbed cliffs and got some ides on how we can utilize the cliffs and natural surroundings as a sort of fort. We found a cliff that is a good concealment area for ambushes on our enemys and if they still follow we run avroos the other way on the side of the cliff then behind a giant sand/clay boulder. when they follow us we push over the boulder and they have to move quickly or be knocked into a giant puddle of mud. They way we get up is full of soft squishy mud. People who follow that way will sink and/or get stuck. We soon heard heard rifle shots in the distance and got curious we went to our concealment cliff and looked far. There was a man with a rifle and a shotgun fireing them into the dirt for stupid fun. John wanted to go take him out but I talked him out of it. I know that if we snuck up on him he would've freaked out and fired at us. (I'm built for power by the way, unlike John who is built for speed.) It soon started to darken so we made are way back to his house. He scaled the blocking cliffs like no tommorrow. I had some troble though so he gave me a helping hand. He then said to me, "Brian, I'm gonna train you and make you stronger that way so you can climb these cliffs no problem. I'm also gonna make you faster so you can rung longer and farther. I'm going to get a job and also find a martial arts class that trains weapons. We will master every weapon we can and become true Bad Asses." I smiled with thoughts and said, "That sounds like a plan. Here's another plan too. When you get your next paycheck we'll pull our money together and hit the Flea market this weekend there we will buy a BB pistol for each of us and a Ninjitsu short sword for each of us." He grined at me and replied,"Brian, I love the way you think." When I came home from there I immediately started working on this site updating the anime section a bit and then started this one. |