Here's a little bit of info on me. My name is Zack Alimentizone. I'm 16 years of age. My Mom who used to be a nurse is uptight about my safety and my friends. My Dad who works in the tree removal business is a drunken slob, but he is reliable when it comes to loosening my Mom up a bit. My brother Giovanni is currently unemployed but grauated from High School with a deploma. With his wisdom and respect has been a very important part of my life. With his guidance I can't go wrong. My spirit brother Drake is a master swordsman he has a large collection of Swords and Daggers. He has tought me everything he knows about swordsmanship techniques. He is also the one that gave me my first Katana ( learn more about it under Weapon collection). My other spirit brother Sorr isn't very wise or intelligent but he is very honor we hold each other in the highest respect he knows much about eastern weapons and little about western weapons. He is quite generous always offering to get us things and such. My friend Jim is a strong and sometimes sadistic man. He is also a pervert and isn't afraid to show it. My friend David is a funny guy but something that concerns him has come up and I won't reveal anymore. My friend Bill is one I had lied to continuosly but I apologized about it to him and he forgave me. Bill is However he respects me. Now for Me . I'm an American Bad Ass I talk the talk while walking the walk. I have killed before and I have no regrets. I had a reason I killed him to he threatend my family and Friends. He lies six feet under right now. God rest his evil soul. I am religionless and my High school grades aren't very high. I'm currently learning how to play the Guitar. I hope to get a minor job for money on the side. I had a dog named Dodger he was very lovable and loyal regretably someone purposley hit him while he was comign home from a territory check. If I find the asshole who hit him he will suffer. My life is...well....medioker when it comes to materialistic goods however when it comes to friends and true family I live the high life. I have fought many a moron who thought they can tople me. I have become somewhat of legend along with my true friends. If anyone disrespects me or my family they will be taught a lesson. I hope oneday to become a band member with my brothers. I hope that by redaing this section you understand a little bit more about me and the way I am. (Specs coming soon) |