Welcome to the Homepage of The Hose. We are a band. That's about it. When we're not desperately trying to get a gig, we like to do stupidly funny things like make prank phone calls and...uh, write web pages, I guess. At the left you'll find our convenient navigational thingamajiggy. Just click on those little words over there and see what's up with us. Enjoy.
Updates11/18/2001 - The boredom! Oh, the boredom! After only 24 hours at home, I'm bored out of my mind, and what have I resorted to? Yes, you guessed it: doing stupid and useless things for this webpage. So, moving on to said stupid and useless things, you may or may not have noticed the poll thingy above this post. If you haven't, then you are what most of us like to call "stupid." If you have, then I probably don't need to explain it too much. Basically, sometime over the approaching winter break from school - or after, rather - I will probably be investing in hosting services for this site. Yes, I have made such empty promises before, but this time it just might actually happen. The problem, of course, lies in choosing a domain name. It has to be something everyone likes or thinks is entertaining or doesn't mind typing too much. And since such traditional choices as thehose.com, thehose.net, and thehose.org are off limits due to some jerk in Virginia and some poor decisions by someone we happen to know, I'm leaving it up to you - the oh-so-loyal visitors to this fine online establishment - to decide. Actually, this poll is more for entertainment purposes, and I reserve the right to choose whatever domain happens to fit my fancy. I might use this poll for reference, though, should I find myself teetering between ideas. Maybe. Just vote already, ok? You can vote once per day, I think, so vote tomorrow, too. And the next day. And... yeah. 11/11/2001 - Just wanted to say thanks to everyone that made last night at 612 Elm a great show... probably our best to date. Chances are we won't be playing on campus again till next semester sometime, but in the breaks from school between now and then we'll be working on plenty of new stuff and probably making some recordings. Maybe we'll get something together in the suburbs over the winter, too. I'll try to keep this place fresh; speaking of which, with the money I'm pulling in from a gig I played last week and from some of the money we might get from the party last night I may be inclined to finally go through with getting that hosting this site has been in need of for so long. Ok, this post is way longer than I wanted it to be, as usual, so I'm outta here. 11/9/2001 - Well, one gig down and one to go. Thanks to everyone who came out to Bromley tonight, and I apologize for how less-than-rehearsed we sounded and for some of the acts you all had to sit through before we played. Now, here are the rest of the details for the show tomorrow (Saturday) night: First off, there's a $2 cover at the door - I know it sucks, but it isn't my house. Cups will be $2 on top of that for those interested in partaking in the more alcoholic aspects of the house party scene. Some band we have never heard of is playing at 10:30pm (I think they call themselves "Canada"). We should be on between 11 and 11:30. Once again, in case you are too lazy to scroll or just look down at yesterday's post, the party is at 612 Elm St. in Urbana, approximately one block north of Green St. and two blocks east of Lincoln Ave. Ok, I think that about does it - hope to see lots of you there tomorrow night. Over and out. 11/8/2001 - OK. Here's the deal, folks. Friday (Nov. 9) night around 7:30 we're playing a little set for a "talent show" thingy for Bromley - a mini set, if you will. It'll be in the Bromley cafeteria, and it will probably suck. On the other hand, Saturday night (Nov. 10) we are playing for a house party in Urbana. This house party gig will be MUCH cooler than the Bromley show, and I strongly suggest you all come out and see it. Not that I don't want anyone to come to the Bromley show... the Saturday night show will just rock a hell of a lot more. We're going to start playing around 11 or 11:30pm, and our set will be somewhere around an hour. The house is at 612 Elm St. in Urbana (that's about two blocks east of Lincoln and one block north of Green), and anyone is welcome. If you're in the Chambana area, please come out - it's a guaranteed good time. Ok, that's it. This post has been written in haste, as I am about to drive home to drop off my injured car (pictures to be posted later) and practice a little for these gigs I've been rambling about... If you have any questions for me about these gigs, email me or somethin'. Adios.