Aircheck - What People Say    (UPDATED: 05/09/2006)        AIRCHECK HOME PAGE

After a period of site inactivity due to other commitments, radio and otherwise, there are some further updates being made to the site.  Since the launch in 2001, the site home page has received well over 40,000 hits, with a total number of views for all pages standing at over 150,000.  Thanks for your continued interest and kind comments. 

'I have been looking at the Aircheck tracker. It's great!. Keep up the good work. (CG)'


'Nice informative site and chattily written - congratulations.' (IH)


'The Aircheck London area radio review is a thoroughly good round-up with a detachment and cooly-researched detail that one just doesn't see in other, chirpy-critical or fanzine-nostalgic reviews of media genres in general.' (MD)


'Discovered your website while browsing for info....really glad I did, I think its brill.  

Really enjoy browsing the web site. Thank you for doing it.' (SR)

'Thanks again for your great site and for putting a big smile on my face!' (JB)

'I enjoyed visiting your site and will visit again...' (EM).

'I stumbled across Aircheck last week; I have always loved radio, and sites like yours fascinate me!'(NA)

'Hi, just found your excellent Aircheck UK site - fantastic stuff. Anyway, keep up the good work!' (SJ)

'..wound up on the site's very good and you really should get a life...!' (IP)

I stumbled across your website which I think is excellent - many thanks for a great site! (PL)

'Keep working hard on your website as it is excellent.  I really enjoy looking .. it is one of my favourite sites.'(LD)

...looked at your site is brill...thanx! (PA)

Great web site..plenty of good information and news..(CB)   ' really does look terrific now - well done - congratulations!' (DE)

'I stumbled across your site!  Very good work indeed. Found info..that'd I'd forgotten about, incredible research!  ..with the demise of and radiogoss...your site is now in my favourites list, so well done!' (TR)

'I really enjoy your website...' (TT)

'Just a note to say thanks for the all the items of interest I read about in your site.... it has been good to see how many folk have gone onto greater things...'  (PT)

'Thank you for the information on your website about John Dash. It was much appreciated. I would like to thank you for your hard work in tracking him down for me and your excellent website.  I have already mentioned your site on Adrian Allen's site to a female who was wondering what has happened to 3 radio DJs who were axed .. in Bristol.   I know I will keep in touch and keep track on your website as it is excellent.  Good luck for the future.  Thanks again'  (LD)

'Seen you around on the internet over the past few years, a very impressive site...' (IP)

"Nice site ...." (DC)              "A very interesting web site, well done...." (BG)        "Keep up the good work ...."  (BG)

"Great site you have there!" (DS)        "Full of nostalgia ...." (Jay)                 "Superb site...!" (TM)

"Your site has rekindled some great memories of Trent before GWR ruined it...keep up the good work mate..."(DS)

"Interesting stuff..." (Jay)                    "Great for local radio ..." (Keith)       "Brought back some memories...."  (MH)

"Great!" (DS)                        "The site seems like an excellent idea." (EC)

"Hi there... just a quick line to say what a great web site you have...." (DW)

"'s really filling a gap in the market; there's nothing else that combines radio nostalgia with the latest developments in the industry - a great read."    (PF)

'Sunday night. A glass of wine and a week off on the horizon! I rifle thro' some anorak pages and.... congrats on a great site - many memories.'  (DL)

'Great website by the way . . .' (AC)        'I came across your site by accident - a really good read!'(Anon)

'Your own site continues to be a good read - all the best with it' (PF)

'Great website Ian, and excellent Trent FM 102.8 pages.  Great stuff!!!!  Cheers' (RL)

' have a most interesting and active site...and many new subjects...Good luck in the future.  As you say, lets Keep Great Radio Alive. Best Regards' (AD)

'Just came across your site by accident.  Good web-site by the way, great to see what others are doing...... keep up the good work. (SG)'

'Just found your site. Nice work, relived a few memories looking at all the stuff you've collected.  Keep up the good work! All the best' (TD)

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