To Ministry of Magic Members, Fans, Webmasters, etc.:
This is Artemis, the Minister of Magic from On behalf of myself and Christi, I would like to apologize for the lack of updates lately. As many of you know, I have a lot of work to do with my own site, as well as my competition website, Harry Potter Survivor. I also have a lot of things to take care of with my own Wizarding school, Hogwarts Monthly. Christi has been very busy with personal work, trips, and muggle school, and has been extremely backed up as well. This month we were featured on the official Harry Potter website, and we did not even update! We feel very badly, and we just wanted to let all of you know that we are doing the best we can to get all of this work done. Also, TMH (the Ministry's Hogwarts) has been delayed due to some production problems, but meanwhile, just visit my regular site, The Wizard World, and hang out there. You can also enroll in TWW's Hogwarts on Saturdays, and take classes weekly. Until we can get more work done at the Ministry, we are not even considering starting a new Hogwarts until much later on. Thank you all for understanding, and enjoy the site!
Best Regards,
.........................Minister of Magic
.................from The Wizard World.