This is where we'll post emails from fans (that section is going to be empty for a long time). Also, hopefully some time next week we'll post Hype graphics for promotional purposes. That way you can make posters with authentic Hype graphics. Whopee! (Hey, you could also make it your wallpaper. I don't know why anyone would do that, though.)

I think this will also become the rant section of the website. Depending on what's going on, we'll say what we feel. Or not. Probably we'll say stupid things that come out after drinking too much coffee while staying up all night writing a paper.

We're going to try to post a couple of Mp3s either here or on Stay tuned for that.

If you have anything you want to say, use this website as an extension. What are your thoughts on the music industry, Christian or otherwise? What do you think about Christianity and Pop-culture (what should be the relationship, etc)? How many fingers am I holding up? Read any good books lately? There's a heapload of interesting discussion fodder out there; let's pile it up in here!
Email us at:

Well, I've lost my train of thought and don't know what to say anymore, so... yeah.

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