Once upon a time, in North Carolina, lived a hyper elf. The hyper elf got really bored one day, and (since she didn't want to memorize her music for marching band) decided to write about her adventures at Governor's School West. So here she goes:

Once upon another time, the hyper elf's school got mad at her because she was in the top ten of her class and yet, did not try out for Governor's School. So, the hyper elf's mom made her try out for Governor's School and the hyper elf wrote an essay about Horton Hatches an Egg, and I'll be darned if they didn't let her in. So, six months later, the hyper elf was off to Winston-Salem to join the other hyper elves whose parents didn't want to bother with them over the summer either.

So, the hyper elf arrived and she lived on the third floor of the Babcock dorm. It was a long climb up but it was okay because the elf lived in the biggest room and she still had her pet cactus, Fang who could guard the room. Now, we all know that hyper elves come from the North Pole and enjoy the cold. However, the hyper elf's room was not air-conditioned. In fact, it was very, very hot. As much as the hyper elf pleaded with the Babcock ghost (Lady Babcock) as she came to tuck her in (because the elf had a blue blanket), she could not get air conditioning. The hyper elf just had to live with it and keep her fan on at all times.

The hyper elf came to GSW for English, as the hyper elf knew how to read. She didn't have any real talent like the elves there for chorus or orchestra or art or toy building. The humans in charge of the English Department, who could also read, were Guy, Chris, Cynthia and Jenks (and later, Melissa). Cynthia and Chris were silly, silly people who often forgot that the elves were elves and called them chickens. It was only on the last day that the hyper elf realized why Chris and Cynthia were so confused (the person in charge, Lucy, was a chicken with a very large "Tickle Box" who could not say "Summer" and it came out as "Summah" had read a poem about a truck of chickens earlier in the year), and thus a testament to why the hyper elf (H.E.) was only there because she could read.

The H.E.'s pleas to only read Dr. Suess books were not heeded, but that's okay because they read pretty good books anyways. The hyper elf made lots of other wonderful, wonderful friends. Her roommate, Megan, was a very nice elf that was not lascivious like the elf was used to having her roommates be, and that was a good thing. The hyper elf also met an old man who was magically cast into the body of a teenager, named John. Greg, the Venezuelan hyper elf, was a very good dancer and good friend. There was also:

Mark, who was in English and also had talent (he could blow really big bubbles and play the piano),
Jennifer, who was the next hyperist elf besides our hero, the first hyper elf, and who was insanely into sports,
Jessica, who was the next to next hyperist elf besides our hero and very nice indeed,
Micah, who was Jennifer's summer fling (just kidding guys) and put up with all the hyperness,
Blake, who H.E. annoyed and tortured for most of the summer,
Carson, who was a really, really tall hyper elf,
Michael, who was always a really sweet elf,
Jackie, who played with a boomerang with H.E. and lives in Hickory (yes, the tree)
Brian, the dancer elf, who always wore really neat pants,
George, the reading elf, who could read and fall asleep faster than any other elf the H.E. knew,
Stuart, who wrote really beautiful stories, that the H.E. thought had the validity of Guy's stories,
Philip, who reminded H.E. very much of a very cool friend back home named J.D.
Erin, who is H.E.'s hero and the beatnik elf,
Heather, the pyro elf, who played with H.E. during Mr. Scott's class,
Nick, the H.E.'s other buddy in Mr. Scott's class, who was one of the coolest human fireflies ever created,
Andrew, who the H.E. also annoyed relentlessly with "HI ANDREW!"'s,
The Other Jennifer, who was a whiz at playing all sorts of instruments,
Brooks, who the H.E. got to wear a wig (hehe--the hyper elf still finds it humorous),
and lots of other super friends that H.E. doesn't have time to talk about.

Chris, the human teacher, wrote a book called Bear v. Shark (which the H.E. only finished recently) and posed the question of, "If they got into a fight, who would win: a bear or a shark?" The H.E. felt that a bear would win, but that does not seem to be the popular opinion. What do you think, boys and girls?

In her other classes, the H.E. had Dr. Bob and Mr. Scott. Dr. Bob's class consisted mainly of Dr. Bob and the hyper elf yelling at each other and telling each other that the other was wrong. The H.E. is not really sure who "won" the arguments but felt that her beliefs were stated well. Mr. Scott was originally just called "Scott" by H.E., but he always gave her odd looks. H.E. inquired as to why he shuddered so when she said "Hi, Scott." Was she calling him an incorrect name, or did he just not like her?

Intermission...Go grab some infectory food and come back for:

Part 2

NEW!!!!! Merry Elfmas!!! (A quasi-part 3)

Pictures from GSW

My Dr. Suess Poem

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