24th of October

Site News

It might be a while before the site is updated again, as I will be switching to a new server.

New Icons

Adrien Brody - 34


3rd of October

New Icons

Lord of the Rings - 2 Frodo.

Actors - 2 Dominic Monaghan, 8 Elijah Wood.


22nd of September

Icon Centre Awards - Voting is on for this weeks icon awards at our LJ.


19th of September

New Icons

Lord of the Rings - 14 Frodo, 2 Sam, 2 Arwen, 3 Merry, 3 Pippin.

Television - 5 Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Actors - 1 Billy Boyd


1st of September

Icons - 2 Aragorn and Arwen.


30th of August

Icons - 19 Nicole Richie


26th of August

Icons - 4 Mr and Mrs Smith


I'm selling a DVD on ebay if anyone is interested.

Moulin Rouge DVD £5.50


19th of August 

Well I'm back after the summer holidays and ready to get back to work on this site. I'm in the process of switching to version 7. If you find any broken links please me. Version 7 is still just a temporary version till I get something better. V 6 had a lot of glitches that were driving me crazy so I had to do something about it.


I'd also like to thank everyone for helping me reach 600 hits!^_^


6th of May 

Added a new affiliate.


27th of April 

TV Icons - 35 new Lost!


25th of April

TV Icons - 4 Lost


1st of April

New Icons - 1 Alias, 4 Kill Bill, 3 The Royal Tenenbaums

Shoutbox - Seems to have started working again on it's own?:)


30th of March

New Icons - 3 Ashlee Simpsom, 4 The Simple Life.

Shoutbox - The shoutbox website has been down for a couple of

weeks now. No idea whats up with it! I'll have to investigate.^-^


14th of March

New Icons - 3 Johnny Depp and 4 nature icons.

Site Upgrade - Version 5.1 is now fully up and running. If you find

any broken links please contact me.


The icon centre is owned and operated by The Fandom Company, which is a division of allisLOVE productions. Site design copyright allisLOVE. All other material is property of there respective owners. Any profit from this site (which is zilch let me tell you!) goes towards it’s maintenance only.




Help build the largest  icon archive
on the web!  Email your icons here
, or in the livejournal.





coming soon...







Can’t find what icons your looking for? Email me, subject ”icons”, and I’ll find what you want!


Site started: December 1st 2004

Total Hits: 600

Icon archive:

Webmaster: ___allislove



Info last updated:19/08