Toto's Story Page
Updated 1/01/2001

Welcome to my page of stories.

Right now, the stories are all fan-fiction and all SMK.
At some point I'd like to expand both the fan-fiction to include other shows (but I haven't found any that have inspired me quite like SMK does just yet), as well as original works.

For now, the stories are listed together in groups:

Needing to Know Universe:
 A Time to be Silent and a Time to Speak  (4/2000):  Reality intrudes on Lee and Amanda's secret life.
 To Accept the Things We Cannot Change  (5/2000):  Repercussions of a hidden life.
 For Emily (5/2000):  An old friend returns to remind Lee and Amanda to take chances.
 Somewhere Down the Road  (5/2000):  Amanda's sons grow up ... she done good.

Wait in the Car Universe:
 Wait in the Car (6/2000):  This time, Lee doesn't...
 Seasons (8/2000):  A discussion over dinner.  Sequel, of sorts, to "Wait in the Car"
 For the Love of a Child  (9/2000):  Is something from the past back?  And what does it mean for Amanda?

Persuasion Universe:
Just a Little Persuasion (6/2000): Amanda is getting tired of her overprotective partner.
Oops (11/2000): Sometimes products purchased elsewhere aren't up to American standards.
Three Strikes (1/2001): Sequel to "Oops". What do they do now? (revised from earlier egroups posting)

Stand Alone Stories:
 Wonderful (9/2000):  An evening with our favorite couple.
Shadows of the Past (11/2000): Married just over four months, Lee and Amanda find their family threatened from an enemy they’ve danced with before. This time it will take more than the Agency to insure survival.

Season Five:
 All the Difference  (10/2000):  Episode Four of the Season Five project.  See  for more information and episodes.

Comments or questions can be sent to me at
