Che Bella Luna
Chapter One - Luna

Luna Sinistra cautiously lifted her damp luggage and boarded the Hogwarts Express, a train for wizards and
witches who wished to attend the wizarding academy. She was shivering all over, her silky black hair drenched
with the pouring rain. The endless rhythm of the droplets pulsed in her skull. Thud. Thud. Drip. Drop.
Thud. Thud. Her tan face was turned pale by the cold and her anxiety. She stepped aboard and was amazed at how
warm the train was. It filled her with a sense of belonging and compassion, but that was soon replaced with the
monotonous din that filled the compartment. There were mixed shouts: from "where*s my cat?" to "where are
my robes?" Luna however, didn*t need to worry about that because she had already bought her supplies in
Diagon Alley, the equivalent to a mall in the wizarding world. Her black robes matched her ebony hair and her
dark blue eyes.                                                                                                                                        
                                   The boys on the train were gawking at her, their openmouthed stares were filled with
surprise and lovesickness. Why is it, that since this summer boys have been staring at me ? She thought. Is it
my fault that I got a little taller and curvier this summer? The boys were now shoving their friends out of their
compartments to make room for her to sit with them. What are they doing that for? she thought. Its not like
I*m some celebrity.
Luna then stumbled upon a near empty compartment containing only a small, but pretty girl. She looked to be
about thirteen but she couldn*t be, this was the first years* compartment after all. The girl had light auburn hair
that was untidily curly and somewhat damp, though not as much as Luna*s was. Her eyes in bold contrast
however, were emerald green, sparkling like gems. She was reading a book titled ,The Hobbit.

"May I sit here?" Luna managed in her *awful* Italian accent.
"Of course,"said the girl, setting the book aside with a marked page. She quickly added, "My name is Lily Evans.
What*s yours?"
"Luna Sinistra," Luna edged out in a somewhat confident voice. She removed her wet cloak and set her luggage
in the compartment above their heads. Seeing the book she added, " What part are you at ?"
"The part where Bilbo is having the riddling contest with Gollum, It*s my favourite," Lily said excitedly.
"Have you read the Lord of the Rings trilogy? In my opinion it*s a lot better than The Hobbit," Luna said.
" Yes, I have and I too, liked them better than this book," Lily replied. "By the way," she added, hesitating, "Are
your parents magical?"
" Of course. Aren*t yours?" Luna said. She couldn*t imagine why anyone on this train*s parents couldn*t be
" Well, no actually," Lily said, looking almost ashamed of it.
Luna, seeing how Lily was distressed, said, " Lily, I didn*t mean it like that. I*ve just never met anyone who
didn*t have magical parents. I have nothing against muggles, honestly."
"It*s alright Luna. It*s just that I had to go through a lot of torment when I went to Diagon Alley. People were
looking at my parents like they had two heads. It was very distressing," Lily said, sobbing slightly.
Just as Lily was crying, they heard a large thud outside of their compartment. Lily regained her composure and
they looked outside through the compartment door. There, in the aisle was an interesting spectacle. On the floor
was a young wizard about their age with shoulder length greasy black hair, a slightly hooked nose and a
permanent sneer. Standing over him was a wizard about 5'8". He had black hair that was gelled and spiked,
dark eyes, and a look of the utmost fury on his face. He said, " The next time you insult my friend, make sure I
can*t hear you!"
Luna and Lily were speechless