
News: I have started a webcomic in the Anarchy storyline. It is a prequel, and takes place twenty years before the events of Anarchy. Visit Collapse today!

This is just copied from an older page with minor changes so it's worded exactly the same.

Okay, basically, this is a story I'm working on and have been working on for a while. It's about what might theoretically happen if the government was destroyed and the whole country collapsed. Yeah. Read it. Or don't. I don't care either way. If you do read it, tell me what you think.

I'm gonna put up one chapter a week or every other week or something like that. So hopefully that'll keep you interested, or something. It'll also give me time to type up the chapters.

Disclaimer/Notice/Legal Thing:
All characters and events that take place in this work are purely fictional. No resemblence to other persons or events, real or fictional, is intended (okay, you can say the main character is me, or who I'd like to be...). The author does not intend to suggest that any of the people, relationships, or events in this work are based on reality in any way. There is no hidden or double meaning to anything. In other words, don't read into it!


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3