You can love someone so much that it hurts
And every night you can't sleep because you are too busy thinking about her
And every day you can't concentrate because she's occupying your mind
You can think about her so much you forget to do your homework
Forget to walk the dog, to take out the trash, to call your friend
You can wish and pray to everyone and everything you can think of
That things will go your way and you'll be happy
And then feel bad because you're being selfish and just wish she's happy
You can go out of your way to make life better for her
You can pretend she doesn't exist and try not to think about her
You can write her letters and poems and send her flowers and gifts
And listen while she says thank you, you're so sweet, and feel happy
Or you can watch all of this effort go to waste, getting you nowhere
You can sit back and watch your life crumble
And not be able to do anything about it
Beause loving her doesn't mean she loves you
And in the end there is nothing you can do