Elemental Magick
By element of liberation,
Breath of life and transformation,
Winds of change and good vibration.

Vibrant energies that ignite
Flames of passion burning bright,
Dragon sun of golden light
Empowers with the horned One's might.

Secrets of the moon-kissed ocean
Dancing with unending motion,
Witch's cauldron full of potion
Brews a spell charged with emotion.

From root and skull to skull to bone,
Pyramid to runes of stone,
Seeds of magick now be sown
And grow for the Maiden,
The Mother, and Crone.

Storm and fire, land and sea,
Enchant this magick ryhme for me.

In perfect love these words are stated
And in perfect trust created.
Now this magick ryhme is done,
This charm is fixed and it harms none.

-from Priestess and Pentacle
by Germina Dunwich

Here in the room of Dabble and Hocus Pocus is the Notions and Potions.
These are the spells, enchantments, and magic that I use in everday life
and tend to like most of all. This page will constantly be updated.

For the magic in everday life here are a few things you can do to keep
in touch with the inner and outer magic around you and your home.
For outside your home or life:
Open your heart to nature,{Vow to think more about the natural world,}
and make your home a living haven for living things.
Lots of potted plants, herbs, and flowers in your house of varied colors.
Cast crumbs to the birds outside your home sharing the simple pleasures
of sharing moments with other creatures and plants.
Tie white and purple ribbons around your front-door handle, gatepost,
or letterbox, or even your car steering wheel, to protect you and your
loved ones and draw beneficence to your dwelling.

For inside your home and life:
Make sure you have all the colors of the rainbow somewhere in your home.
Venerate the element of fire with a constant candle, flame or altar.
Spread a cloth over a beautiful table or even an old box in any color
which relates to the season, or tree/moon, or just your own mood.
Place a cut flower in a small glass vase{symbolizing light}, or a
growing plant in a small terracotta pot{symbolizing earth}, on this
altar, and light a candle for even just a few moments whenever you are
at home. Always thank the spirits for small blessings, and look for
some good in everything. This simple re-attuning of your thinking
to a positive outlook should gradually draw powerful good fortune
to you and those dearest to you. Think this through whenever you light
your flame, or pot up herbs and flower seeds, or feed the birds.

The magic of ribbons:
Incorporate ribbons everywhere. One of magic's significant ingredients.
Around your house or office, or even in your car. Tie ribbons of color.
:A silvery colored ribbon or cord, tied around the telephone, will draw
happy and positive communications from friends and associates.
:Tie a green ribbon around the taps of your bath, so that as you soak
you draw health, mental alertness, perfection, wisdom, love, and the
ability to complete simple tasks calmly, into your mind, body and spirit.
:Luck will attend you if you place sunshine-yellow candles or ribbons
everywhere that money is kept:tie a yellow ribbon round your cheque
book, for example.

:Send out cards and letters tied with a ribbon of any color to suit
the situation: green if your recipient is sick or tired, purple if you
want to attract attention, pink if it's love, olive green for forgiveness
black or white for matters of detiny.
:Tie a red ribbon around the herbs you grow on your windowsill, to spread
love and happiness in your home and to increase the joy you experience
from eating the herbs in salads and cooked dishes.

All graphics ©Mystic Muse Designs
No graphics are to be taken, copied, stolen, or for any reason used
unless written permission by me.This set exclusive for The Muse.
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