Welcome to the O'Neills
1998 Holiday Picture Page!!
Here is a picture of our beautiful little tree.  We went for a smaller size because of Zeus, our new little puppy.  He was actually pretty good about the tree, the ornaments on the other hand...
Zeus and Tony were a little excited about Christmas too!  It was their first Christmas with us, and they sure had a great time!  Santa was extra nice to them this year...their stockings were stuffed full of goodies for them!!
Bailey and Courtney were still half asleep in this picture.  They were up around 3:00 or 4:00AM, but waited until 6:00 (with the coffee pot started) to wake mom and dad up.  Ohhh the joys of Christmas morning!
Our Stocking area seems to get bigger every year! 
Here's a picture of Bailey taking a picture with her new camera she got for Christmas from Grandma!!
We did have some snow this winter, unfortunately not on Christmas.  But we enjoyed it just the same...even the animals didn't mind playing in the white stuff!  (as long as they came back in the warm house when they got cold!)
As you can see, we love and enjoy the Holiday season.  Remember Jesus is the real reason for the season.  It is so important to be thankful for family and friends, health and happiness!  Thanks for joining in our celebrations!